Comments Posted By HE HATE ME
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 41 Comments


Clueless moonbat- urkel WANTS high gas prices and wants to penalize oil companies for "obscene" profits. Who benefits from said profits? Maybe people invested in oil companies? The price is currently largely skyhigh due to commodity speculators. Did government do much of anything to help the domestic oil industry when it was in the doldrums in the early eighties and cities like Houston were suffering grievously? And now you want to praise Carter who is one big reason we are kissing islamomutant arses. Blame everything on the Jews and Dubya. New Congress has watched prices double since they took control. Yes, Obalalamdingdong will be an even worse version of Carter. And yet you and he want Americans to sacrifice to win the good graces of the UN and Euroweenies? Are hypocrites like the goracle, obambis, the breck girl, lurch skerry, Fat Teddy K, arianna huffington and the rest of the hollywood scum sacrificing ANYTHING at all? Seems to me that algore's bogus AGW is fattening his own carbon credit boondoggle accounts. And of course even McCain goes along with the BS- ANWR off limits, up to states to ok drillingt offshore, but fine for the Chinese to drill in the Caribbean. You liberals want some of us to suffer as you prosper and have control over others through government dependency. Oh, I see seven NEW oil refineries are being build and there have been none built in good old USA since 1976. Unfortunately those seven plants are for Irani consumers. At least they recognize where they are vulnerable while Reid and pelois have their fingers up their dupas as usual.
Let's follow Jimmuh's advice this winter and wear sweaters while turning down that thermostat or better yet allow Urkel to make new rules like the California gummint cretins tried by have the state control your thermostats by remote control. Maybe then we'd use less and then the excuse would be we should pay more because utility profits are falling?

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 14.06.2008 @ 18:25


You really think the media would have the Pelosi-led Congress take the rap for increased gasoline prices? EVERYTHING BAD is Dubya's fault. I don't see McCain doing much of anything to ameliorate the situation. He'd leave it up to states to decide on offshore drilling or not and was the deciding vote against ANWR. I fear whatever the stats may be, the media will spin everything as gloomy as possible...ex. unemployment rates as compared to under Clinton years. We had the boom under WJC and housing boom under GWB. I think the kaka is going to hit the fan big time regardless and Carter redux will merely exacerbate the pain. Urkel has Bobby Wexler running interference where I live, insisting Obama will be great for Jews and Israel.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 9.06.2008 @ 18:21


Sorry left off the clinton part open thread. the other one was for software.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 7.06.2008 @ 13:56


you know you should have your psychotropic drugs adjusted if you take them or if not, they are doing wonders with mental health these days. You really remind me of an paultard. Were you not first on s'luap nor bandwagon. Good thing you live in your parents' basement and won't have to worry about finding or holding a real job.
Even Hill's moonbatty pals are all not smitten by Urkel's appeal. open thread not happy about her folding to Urkel. CNN showing great unbiased journalism at today's presser by saying all the boos when Hill asks her supporters to back BHO are because the ceiling acoustic accentuate the low frequencies of the boos. Sure...jajajaja- keep being in the tank for the obamalamadingdong.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 7.06.2008 @ 13:47


#7 The Obamamassiah is only 1/16 black and he's deemed a black man? What is it with the left's obsession over face. Obama is 1/2 white and about 7/16 Arab. So I'm a racist because I don't buy into your really stupid logic? There should be a special place in hell for your ilk and that other cretin who takes this opportunity to spew the DNC's talking points about Iraq. Love how the previous administration and much of the world's intelligence agencies were down with Hussein having WMD. Besides Iraq was in violation of all those UN "resolutions" and constantly firing at US Air Force patrol planes. I guess libs just think repeating the same mantras over and over makes something true? No doubt you are another kool-aide drinker who is in ecstacy worshipping your false idol Barack Hussein. Many of your twerps would be interchangeable with the Hitler drones who idolized der Fuehrer.
Hope! Change! The seas are now receding! The Planet is healing with Urkel's imminent nomination and election victory!
Maybe you deadenders shouldn't count your chickens until they hatch? How come your boy did really horrible nearly all the closed primaries after the Rev. Wright scandal broke? Oh, those racist ridgerunners? Now, go back to the fever swamps of Kos, DU,, Huff or whichever other hellhole you usually infest.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 6.06.2008 @ 22:33


#12 yes, indeed. It does make great sense to make the euroweenies happy by choosing a farleft/marxist part- black pied piper of hope! and change! for a Carter Redux presidency. Pity it couldn't be a black marxist lesbian muslim female for even more inclusiveness. Sure seems like history repeats itself over and over. Maybe this time the forces of darkness WILL win out and we can ask ourselves why so many Americans are dead from WMD attacks since we tried to understand and empathize with the needs of islamofascism. Let's hope it isn't a blue city since they tried the most to accomodate our enemies and hate America itself. Give Peace a Chance, Imagine and war-what is it good for? The Quakers and Mennonites have it right- turn the other cheek, no blood for oil, yadda yadda Kumbaya

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 3.06.2008 @ 20:59


I've seen the same exact post by Allyson Whitey on other blogs. It might help if there were some actual proof like a video of the Trinity "christians" engaged in a daisy chain. Even if true, it would make some obamabots love him more. Even your media is sexually aroused by Urkel. Read some of their comments on his tight jeans, etc. In any case when has a liberal or marxist faced any real consequences related to sex other than impeachment of Bubba or Gary Hart being dropped from the ticket over the good ship "Monkey Business."
NY Times wants to imply that McCain had an affair with a lobbyist, but couldn't care less who Hill or Urkel did...and if Hill is doing that sexy Muslim aid, she has good taste. Better that than some Rosie O'Donnell clone.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 2.06.2008 @ 09:23

Latest Rasmussen has only 31% trusting Kaka Urkel Obama on national security. I suppose those are the die-hard Kool-Aid drinkers. What with the media in the tank for him and white libeeal guilt, it is so sad that the rest of us get stuck with Jimmy Carter II. I don't really recall who benefited under Jimmy, but Obambi's bestest friends are most already sitting swell. I'm sure Rezno would get his full pardon and that great Trinity church welcomed back. Isn't anyone capable of exposing who is really pulling the strings on this marxist fakir? Ok, the Chicago machine politics, but who actually is the one in control?

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 1.06.2008 @ 15:02


Very well said, but the left wants us to be more like Europe in every way possible. Since they manage with small military forces, why shouldn't we? Oh, because the US continues to defend their interests? So Obama will have us singing Kumbaya and holding hands. The Quakers and Mennonites may be good people but we'd be speaking Japanese, German and now Arabic if we took the peace at any costs, pacifist route. I'm sure the idealistic sheeple buy into John Lennon singing Give Peace a Chance and Imagine. Would have made great theme songs for dhimmis McGovern, Carter, Kerry and Obama...give Jihad and Sharia a chance.... God help us all.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 21.05.2008 @ 08:50


#27 Kristi-
Being black, other than being a black separatist and wanting reparations and more affirmative action has nothing to do with why some of us loathe the prospects of barry hussein and his harridan wife near the white house. You sound like someone who might have just as easily been a paultard or in the same state of mind as the local Code Pinks in my neighborhood. Luap Nor even has the questionable backers in his array of fans. My congressman bobby wexler shares many of same views as Obambi and has more experience. If he were the moonbat candidate, you'd tell us we were antisemitic. Methinks white guilt plays some role in you and your ilk's mindset, along with a healthy dose of blame america for the world's ills. I bet you even think the UN does a great job and agrees we should pay taxes for that corrupt, child-raping institution.
Your crybaby Obama, like the goracle, wants US to sacrifice. His evil better half tells us how they struggled to pay off their loans, even though making millions and living in a fine mansion. Sure seems like the same old everyone is equal except the leaders are more equal and deserve special dispensations and perks. I'm sure the media will built up loads of sympathy for the dems at the convention with big tributes to that American family of Royalty. Btw, obama can manipulate executive salaries and oil company profits by merely getting a rubber stamp lib congress to ok confiscatory taxes. Charlie Rangel is already itching to do so. The Great Black Hope! Change!, my asp.

Comment Posted By HE HATE ME On 21.05.2008 @ 09:08

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