Comments Posted By Frank IBC
Displaying 31 To 40 Of 100 Comments


Hah... the Fire Engineering article is dated January 2002, just 4 months after 9/11.

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 25.08.2007 @ 13:08

OK, I'll repeat the questions that I have asked and that you have evaded, Miss Poison Thang:

1) What are the names of the alleged living 9/11 hijackers?

2) Why do you assume that a high-resolution image or video for the plane hitting the Pentagon is in existence?

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 16:17

Miss Poison Thang -

Why do you keep asking questions if your mind is already made up and you're not going to listen to the answers?

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 16:07

Er, I guess I should thank you, Chip, but the comments on the BBC article are even more idiotic than the Troofers here.

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 15:24

Also, you're presuming a bit of clairvoyance, in that people would somehow be expecting the plane to hit the Pentagon, and also know exactly where it would hit.

But if that happened, it would be more proof of the conspiracy, wouldn't it, Miss Poison Thang?

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 15:21

Why do you assume that such a picture/video exists, Miss Thang? The security camera was not designed to film planes flying at 400-500 mph, and it was aimed away from the pentagon, not towards it.

In the case of the north tower of the WTC, there is only one video of the impact - from at least a mile away. The only reason there are so many images of the plane hitting the south tower is because there were thousands of spectators watching the fire in the north tower at that time.

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 15:19

Oh, my... another one who thinks that there were thousands of tourists walking the grounds of the Pentagon with cameras and videocams waiting eagerly for the plane to hit.

And who thinks that the DoD would have had a reason to have security cameras face toward the walls of the Pentagon.

And who thinks that all security camera videos must have the same resolution and frame speed as movies.

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 14:58

Why couldn't you have just saved all the verbiage, Miss Poison Thang, and admitted that you don't have a leg to stand on with your claim re the 6 hijackers?

If someone produces a report that is full off holes, inconsistencies and unanswered questions, there can only be two possible reasons. The first is that such a person is very stupid and should not have been picked for the job

I couldn't have written a better description of the Troofers myself, Miss Poison Thang.

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 14:51

Hey, take a number, Chip.

I'm still waiting for her to document the six alive-and-well 9/11 hijackers.

And explain what she means about the "secretive attack on the Pentagon". I, like most Americans, lerned about it just minutes after it happened.

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 14:45

Um, so how is the attack on the pentagon "secretive"? (in your words)

Comment Posted By Frank IBC On 24.08.2007 @ 14:36

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