Comments Posted By Francesca
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I've noticed again and again that the media baits us into hating and denouncing Coulter by taking most of what she says out of context.

While I don't like what's being called the new "F" word, she drew attention to what in a free society should be a troubling phenomenon: the politically incorrect being shipped off to redemptive rehab, aka re-education camps. Think Isaiah Washington, Michael Richards and Mel Gibson. Moreover this shows a trend of dealing with personal and professional conflicts through P.C. witch hunts. T. R. Knight I'm talking to you. These are issues to consider, especially as people become more and more easily offended and individuals are less and less protected in free thought and expression.

When I was just about to write coulter off, I stopped to actually read what she had said about the 9/11 widows, and I realized that there was alot of truth in what she said. I think the increasing viciousness towards her is a desperate attempt for an increasingly intolerant leftist mainstream to avoid dealing with that.

Something else I've noticed: Coulter did not initiate this nastiness. Her books were pretty civil even after Franken called her a skank in response to her mention of being friendly with him. I think she'd finally had enough with the double standards and distortions of our P.C. culture when she laid out her new rules in "How to talk to a Liberal if You must." My favorite was don't offer them an olive branch; they'll beat you with it. And for the most part the ad hominem attacks on her flimsily pretending to be debate bear that out.

Moreover her nastiness isn't gratuitous-she actually has a point to make, whereas Franken Bullies and name calls to silence debates he knows he can't win.

Comment Posted By Francesca On 5.04.2007 @ 21:08

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