Comments Posted By EthylEster
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Michael Reynolds wrote: So you see the problem there? It’s the core problem of conservatism. You assume that the past is good and the future is frightening.

Personally I don't see how to solve this "problem" with conservatism.

"Let's go back to 1950/1776/1492"
NOT a winning slogan.

Rick Moran wrote: Despite what many on the left may say, these are not cut and dried issues (except those “enhanced interrogation techniques” that are clearly torture) where the left is on the side of the angels. In fact, they have tried to politicize the national security/civil liberties debate to their shame.

Yes, speaking out against EITs IS so shameful. Always gotta punch a hippie even in the middle of an admission that at CPAC the guy who spoke against water-boarding was loudly booed. So is water-boarding "cut and dried" torture or the other kind? Hard to keep up these days...

What part of this didn't you understand?

Readers of this site know that I side with Barr in this debate - at least on waterboarding torture.

Is it the fact that there are words of more than two syllables that is giving you problems? I was not talking about opposition to torture. The issues that are not cut and dried have to do with the Patriot Act, the TSP, SWIFT, and other measures that are certainly open for debate - except on the left where hysteria has replaced reason in discussing these measures.

I have supported a strict interpretation of the anti-torture convention as well as torture as it is defined in the Geneva Convention. In other words, I agree with you. I know there is one word of more than a syllable there so I hope you understood that.


Comment Posted By EthylEster On 22.02.2010 @ 18:04

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