Comments Posted By Don L
Displaying 11 To 13 Of 13 Comments


It isn't the worst of two evils at all -it's three, the third being the consequences of enabling leftist liberalism to lead the GOP. That is a bigger evil - long range than living with Hillary.

Your insults in calling our principled choice "tantrums" and threatening us with fear (gay marriage the law of the land?)reeks of the very liberal techniques that solid conservatism abhors.

I for one will stay with principle and integrity over the slow but just as deadly poison of capitulation of my very deep beliefs in order to win.

Comment Posted By Don L On 14.02.2008 @ 11:33

Just an after thought -To refer to difference of thought and principled opposition as "temper tantrums" reduces the hell out of any value your arguement may have. It is a fundamental characteristic of the left to attack the messenger when they don't like the message - it's a shame to see coming so much lately from the right. Then again "winning at any cost" is also a fundamental characteristic of the left -it's another shame to see it coming so much lately from the right.

Comment Posted By Don L On 10.02.2008 @ 13:30

Sorry, but I will not continue to encourage more of the same from the GOP. If (the only reason conservatives will still vote for McCain) he were to win and stop Hillary, does anyone in their blooming right mind think for a moment that they will ever again care about conservative priciples? Not on your life -we will just encourage more of the same foul behavior from them, like a battered wife who keeps returning to her abusive spouse.
I for one will not be to the GOP what the blacks have become to the democrats -puppets who allow their party to destroy their dignity -Hillary be damned. As if slow poison isn't poison anymore.

Comment Posted By Don L On 10.02.2008 @ 13:24

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