Comments Posted By Derrick
Displaying 11 To 12 Of 12 Comments



I usually like your take on issues, even if I disagree with them but;

What is clear is that this despicable tactic by the left predates Obama and has done more to poison relations between the races in this country than all the cross burnings and hate speech delivererd by the morons in the Klan or the Skinheads.

Really, do you really believe that the reason that America has poisonous race relations is because people have been called racist (even if overzealously) rather than because people were actually, you know, racist. That's some serious revisionist history right their. I mean, I'm sure if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and some white liberals had never been born, things would be just perfect between the races I guess because of free markets or something.

The universal condemnation across the political spectrum of cross burnings and obvious hate speech by the Kluxers and skinheads goes unacknowledged while fake charges of "racism" that are directed at people and speech by the race merchants like Jackson and his leftist enablers is used to show how little "progress" we've made in race relations? All decent people stand shoulder to shoulder when racism that is clear and unambiguous rears its ugly head. The problem is in the made up, forced, and painfully stretched definitions (plural) of racism that changes according to the political nature of the speech. Perhaps the left could decide to settle on one, coherent, accepted and agreed upon definition of racism rather than simply using the word as a bludgeon to silence their opponents.

I personally found Shanklin's bit in bad taste. But racist? Hardly. Satire by its very nature skirts the boundries and trying to shoehorn the parody into a racist construct only shows how hard some people work to do so.

If you have to make an effort to show something is racist rather than it being self evident, what does that say about those declaring the speech racist?


Comment Posted By Derrick On 28.12.2008 @ 11:47


Did the Left write up articles of impeachment because they didn't like Bush.

This circular firing squad is getting no one anywhere. As Hugh said, both sides are hypocrites. If you think that Republicans weren't jerks when Clinton was President or Democrats weren't jerks when Bush was, its because you are living in pure denial in being part of the problem.

You can fight Obama's policies all you want, but people don't realize that they aren't just de-legitimizing the man but also the office. Hopefully, if Obama or McCain wins, this kind of though will be constrained to the nutter minority but it is sad that people are so willing to put their personal partisan differences before the good of the country.

Comment Posted By Derrick On 13.10.2008 @ 12:37

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