Comments Posted By Dale in Atlanta
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 138 Comments


I wonder if our Pro-Jihadi, Idol Worshipping Leftists, like "anonymous" and "Trey" and "Shaman" could stomach the TRUTH in his little document, by Dr. Walid Phares:

No, I guess not, it doesn't blame the United States for everything EVIL in the world, and it tells the TRUTH about the Jihadis; ignore them, I think the rest of you Sane people, will find it very enlightening!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 1.11.2006 @ 09:54


Rick: I don't doubt it for a minute! Teddy-boy teamed up woth JFK-lite, John Kerry, to undermine the American Military and US Foreign Policy at the time, with the anti-War movement; Kerry never made a move without consulting his mentor, Teddy-boy; and it was a pre-meditated, calculated, callous, and capriciously Politically calculation, that would help undermine the war effort, and literally affect US Military capabilities for 2 decades!

In addition, isn't there evidence, that Jimmy Carter, went to see the Soviet Ambassador, Dobrynin, and said it was in BOTH their interests, to make sure that Ronald Reagan WOULD'T be re-elected in 94?

That's treason, where I come from, especially from a Former President of the United States!

Be curious if you've ever seen evidence/proof of that?

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 21.10.2006 @ 11:51


Rick: you GOTTA see this:

Cindy Sheehan, Paid By Kerry Campaign? Authors Say Yes on Fox News
Posted by Tim Graham on October 20, 2006 - 07:29.
Cindy Sheehan became an instant liberal-media celebrity when she held a vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas and demanded to meet with him (a second time) over the death of her son Casey in Iraq. But is the liberal media only about creating the legend and leaving the negative details out? MRC's Justin McCarthy reported that on Wednesday's "Fox and Friends," Melanie Morgan and Catherine Moy, authors of the book American Mourning, said they found Sheehan was paid by John Kerry's campaign in 2004 to speak out against President Bush. Said Morgan:

"We have Federal Election Commission documents. I mean we went to an extensive research, we followed the money, that's how you always figure out what's going on...We found that John Kerry and Michael Moore personally recruited Gold Star family members just within days and sometimes even at the funerals of their sons to come and work for the campaign in order to undermine the candidacy of George W. Bush at the time. It was shocking and, and really offensive behavior and that's exactly what happened to Cindy Sheehan who we tracked down. She went on the payroll of John Kerry's campaign within days after her son's death as well as her daughter Carly. Ultimately, there was a split between the two because she felt that John Kerry wasn't radical enough and didn't have an anti-war agenda that matched hers."

The authors also appeared on Tuesday's "Hannity & Colmes" to make their charge:

"It was John Kerry's political campaign, John Kerry personally, along with Michael Moore, went to Cindy Sheehan just days and a couple of weeks after the death of her son and asked her to make a commercial for him.And they did the same thing, political operatives, they asked the other families."

This is a pretty explosive charge for the rest of the Sheehan-promoting media to ignore.

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 20.10.2006 @ 21:32


Quick you all, from Drudge, and then tell me this isn't the way ALL the "intel" leaked damaging to the President the past 5 years has come out??

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 19.10.2006 @ 22:20


Baillie: first time ever in 2 years on Blogs, that I cried reading a post!

Well done....

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 14.10.2006 @ 15:38

"...I wasn't a Hero serving in a Company of Men, I was a Man, serving in a Company of Heroes......"

RIP Michael Mansoor, RIP.......

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 14.10.2006 @ 13:48


Drongo: "See, that’s where I’ve ended up and I can’t think of anything so I am defaulting to looking after our own. I advocate withdrawl, but only out of the hopelessness of the situation. Not popular I imagine, but everything so far has made things worse."

I'm so frustrated with this Administration; I'm not naturally a Democrat, though I was raised in a very liberal time; my families orientation growing up, was probably more "Republican"; BUT, it was also quite evident, that you Voted on WHO the PERSON was; and what they would do, and you didn't Vote PARTY!

So, it was not at all a problem, that my parents voted for Kennedy, then Nixon!

It was OBVIOUS, that Carter was to be avoided, same with Dukkakis, same with Mondale, same with Gore, same with Kerry!

Clinton was a more complex issue; Bush Sr. had major problems; and he finally got voted against!

Same with Dole!

Frankly, I didn't vote for this President in 2000; couldn't do it, based upon what I disliked about his father in 1992!

But, I couldn't vote for Gore either; so I sat that one out! Probably the reason why the election was so close!

In 2004, I HAD to vote, it was too important for the country; and there was really only ONE Choice, Bush, and.......well, as I said, there was only one choice, I don't even acknowledge who the other individual was....

However, just to establish MY track record on this: I've been consistent my whole life on this: not only vote for the BEST person; but also, ALWAYS, support EVERY President when they use the Military!

That's immutable to me!

Thus, even though, it was OBVIOUS that Clinton did at least Two "tail wagging the dog" scenarios to escape the heat of the Lewinsky mess, I supported him FULLY; same with Kosovo; same with whatever.

So, I supported Bush too!

And Bush Sr, and Reagan, and Carter, and Nixon all too, when they deemed it necessary to use military action; usually I was critical that various ones, didn't use it ENOUGH (Carter, Clinton).

Anyway, I just say all this, so you know I'm not an apologist for this President or Administration. In fact, my opinion of Bush, prior to 9/11, is that he would server out a fairly undistinguished first term, and then Fail to be re-elected to a second term, just like his father.

That all changed after 9/11; and it certainly made his election a certainty, after Kerry was nominated!

The Democrats are suicideal that way! It's amazing...

Anyway, my point to all of this; you advocate Withdrawal; I cannot!

I can see the "big picture"; and it's important.

I know Iraq is a "mess"; this Administration has done many things wrong; including, FAILING to adequately "sell" this war to the public, for the CORRECT reasons; failing to make it part of the Larger GWOT, which it IS, and WAS, failing to "sell" to the public, the larger threat, and why Iraq and Afghanistan ARE important, etc.

They only attempt to "sell" it, when it gets so back, it seems ready to collapse, they come out for a week or two, and then, go back to letting the Leftist MSM "frame" the debate!

No wonder public support/perception of it is so low.

Bottomline for ME: is that this is an Epic event, it is a "big idea"; it is a Cause, that we NEED to win; otherwise, the end result, ten, twenty years from now, IS a World War/Clash of Civilizations/Muslims against Christians, to the death!

I think it is THAT important!

Therefore, I cannot adocate withdraw, no matter how messy it is, and no matter what cost appears to be, right now.

Those are my Personal beliefs, don't ask for "Proof", on some of them, it's gut instinct, and "proof" is ephermeral!

Someone else, can make the Exact OPPOSITE arguments, I know, on everything!

Anyways, just my thoughts, and reasons...

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 18.10.2006 @ 08:49

Drongo: "you might not be so happy when I tell you that I do differentiate between Muslims and Islamic nutcases"

Drongo, no, I'm not upset; if you could pull anything useful out of my previous rant, I did not Advocate killing EVERY Muslim in the world!

Never would do that, and didn't mean to imply that!

I've lived over there a great portion of my life, I have many Muslim friends, that I communicate with on a weekly basis, from as long as 30 years ago!

My only point among the facts and figures, was that the Leftists in This country, point to the "numbers" without historical contexts, as an indication of Failure, and you cannot do that!

And, having been part of the military myself, I've NEVER seen anyone, deliberately "target" anyone, just to kill Muslims; though, I know, I know, we have cases of individuals, who have gone crazy, and done BAD things, no doubt, but it is NOT US policy; never has been.

I'm a firm believer like you, though, in killing as many "Islamic Nutcaes" as we can hunt down and kill, because that is the ONLY thing that THEY understand!

For the first time in the History of Warfare, the goals of the two sides are the same: They WANT to Die, to go to Paradise, and we WANT to Kill them; so our goals are NOT mutually exclusive, like when you are fighting a "normal" enemy; whose primary goal is to remain alive, and kill you instead!

You know, post -WWII, we had a pretty good little "insurgency" going in Germany, for a year or more, where not only American/Allied military personnel were attacked and killed by Waffen SS "insurgents", but they also attacked civilians, and even American dependents who had come over!

Now, I'm NOT in anyway equating the seriousness of that, with what's happening in Iraq today, because Iraq has FAR exceeded that, but I will just point it out, because people do, again, lose sight of the historical context, and thing that Japan and Germany both stopped fighting on a certain day, and from that day forward, everything came up roses, and that is FAR from the case!

For me, after the ground campaign phase of the war was over, and we took Baghdad, I think we had about a month, "goodwill", to make take some concrete steps to head off the insurgency, and that we completely FREAKING flubbed it, at every turn.

Paul Bremer was the biggest cause; the abolition of the Iraqi Army, overnight, launched the insurgency the next day!

The stupidest move I've ever seen, and I couldnt' believe it when it happened!

He blames Rumsfield, I don't know what Rumsfield says; I blame Bremer himself.

Hell, even MacArthur wasn't stupid enough to disband the Japanese Imperial Army after WWII!

We should've issued the Iraqi Army orders to report to their Barracks, the next day, for new uniforms, and full pay; very slowly and surreptiously carried out a "de-Bathistfication" plan of the highest levels, out of sight, used the rest to keep the lid on the country; put out the PR campaign about how they were the new Iraq Army, and their job was to protect the country from the Iranians and to keep Al Qaeda out; and did what we basically did in Germany, Japan, and Afghanistan!

Found an IMMEDIATE STRONG Iraqi "face" to lead the nation, and worry about elections later, etc.

I mean the CPA screwed the pooch at every turn, turned the Iraqi Army into the Insurgents, which gave Al Qaeda/Zarqawi an excuse to come in, start attacking the Shi'ites, and we have what we have now! A complete cluster F#$%!

Answers: I'd be a millionaire if I knew the EXACT answer!

I do know this though; giving up and withdrawing, would be the WORST thing; so we have to find something "in-between"; what exactly, I'm still working that out...

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 17.10.2006 @ 11:25

“Less Islamic nutcases” as the indicator of success."

Drongo: You are a gracious man, in the face of an over done, and unprovoked assault!

I've took your post, as the opportunity to unload about 3 weeks of backed up bile from reading a combination of about 6 other blogs, where serious people are having serious discussions about the future of our civilization, and our country, and where a bunch of Leftist Trolls, take the oppportunity at every turn, to inject their complete and utter bullshit, and I had just had enough, and I lashed out at you!

Your last comment, the one to start this post, is the most apropos!



Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 17.10.2006 @ 08:59

Drongo: You know, I don't even know why I waste my eInk on nuts like you!

It's a complete waste of time, trying talk, rational, logic, sense and commonsense to Leftists!

First, you have NO commonsense, second, your intellecutal capability is severely atrophied, due to decades of inculcation by Leftists, anti-American Academia in America; third, because of your short-sightedness and Leftist proclivities, you avoid like the plauge, service in your country's military services; you have no practical experience in the world, the military, the government; uusally your only major experience in life is having taken a weekend spring break trip to Cancun, or Aruba, where you spent the majority of the time drunk, high, and/or trying to get on some sex-act video so it could be uploaded to some $14.95/per month pay-porn site.

Your entire raison d'etre, is HATE - Bush, HATE - American; and there is NOTHING, that anyone can say or do, to wipe away the sometimes decades of brainwashing that has been absorbed by your petty minds courtesy of Academia, the Leftists, and the MSM; which your cranial cavity has sopped up like a diabetic in a candy store.

With your Leftist and facile upbringings, and your ludicrous modern educations; you have NO foundation whatsoever in Citizenship, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Military History, Geography, World History, Western Civilization, the Classics, Social Studies, etc.

Instead, you know all about "Kwanza", and the fact that we now have a "Fall Festival" and a "Winter Festival", because Halloween and Christmas have been outlawed, and your learning about Ramada and Hare Krishna, because they're Anti-American, and thus GOOD!

Thus, you cannot put ANYTHING into HISTORICAL Context, because you are fundalmentally INCAPABLE, and thus we come Fullcircle, with you askeing the totally INANE question you ask above, which can ONLY be asked, if you have NO idea what you are asking, or why you are asking it, because you are completely operating off of the Leftist meme, that sounds like Homer Simpson (one of your cultural heroes, I'm sure??) on Duff Beer: Bush....BAAAAAADDDD, Iraq WAAAAAAAARRRR BAAAAAAADDDDD!

First, let me state; having actually WORN the uniform of a Marine Officer and Intelligence specialist for a Dozen years, and having served in Iraq, the fist time, I ACTUALLY HAVE some practical Experience, Background, and KNOWLEDGE of that which I speak; UNLIKE 99.99% of the clueless Jacobites I foolishly waste my time trying to educate; I might as well spend my time knocking my head against a brick wall, for all the good it does me, but I'm a patient man, and the future of our Country depends upon me Poking people like you, RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES, until you either GET IT, or I damage your pea-sized logic holder!

So, as a former Marine, and UNLIKE Lefists, who courtesy Hillary Clinton, figured out the "we care for the troops, but we don't support the war.." meme, back in 2001; which by the way, is a COMPLETE lie; you despise the Military, and everything it has ever done, because it's very existence is testimony that like all good Lefists, it has enabled you to be what you ARE, today, without you all EVER having had to make a contribution to it at all!, and thus you are driven by guilt and self-hate as a result of your concious decision to avoid Military Service, and thus you all seize upon the "we support the troops" line, hypocrasy and lies coming out of YOUR mouths, to attempt to protect and insulate yourselves against the anti-Patriotic and anti-American labels you so richly deserve; so unlike you, I ACTUALLY DO CARE about the "troops", because I also have served, and I know what it's like, and I still have dozens of friends, colleagues, and peers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, for the past 5 years; and I think about them, and their families, every day, and communicate with them, and worry about them, and grieve for them!

Again, unlike All you LEFTISTS; who proudly tout the latest casualty figures, and number of wounded, and amount of Iraqi citizens killed; NOT BECAUSE you give a DAMN about any of them, but because you're so blinded by BUSH HATE, you caprisiously and callouslly will use any/all ammunition you can, to undermine and destroy a sitting President, in a time of war, for NO OTHER REASON than because he's a Republican, he's a Christian, and because he's NOT a Democrat and because he's the Anti-Clinton, and because you HATE him because YOUR IDOL Clinton was IMPEACHED, and is a complete and utterly morally bankrupt fool; which is a reflection back on you, again!

Now, let me put some things in Historical context for you, since you lack the capability to do so yourself!

What the Union did, to the population of the South, during the Civil War, and what the Allies did to the Germans and the Japanese, on many SINGLE DAYS, outweighed ANYTHING that has happened in Afghanistan, and Iraq, to all concerned: Miliary and Civilian, COMBINED, over the past FIVE YEARS!

Do I need to REPEAT that for you?

And in fact, it's even worse, if you put it further into Historical Context, by stating that the population of the United States for example was exactly HALF of what it is today; and so was the World Population as well; so ANYTHING that happened, per capita-wise, during WWII for example, was exactly, or more, than DOUBLE what the same effect would be today, for the same action!

For example, WHEN ON ONE SINGLE NIGHT, OF BOMBING TOKYO, IN 1944 18 SQUARE MILES OF TOKYO WAS DESTROYED, AND OVER 100,000 JAPANESE CIVILIANS WERE KILLED; Yes, that's right on ONE NIGHT, 100,000 CIVILIAN DEAD, in ONE City, on ONE Night!; that would be the equivalent of 200,000+ dead today!, IN ONE NIGHT!

American dead, total out of WWII; in Four years of Combat: ~495,000; basically ONE MILLION equivalent Military dead, per capita, today; that's just the dead, doesn't include the wounded, the civilians, etc.

So far, in Iraq & Afghanistan, in five years; we've lost ~3000 dead; the equivalent of ~1500 in WWII!, TOTAL!

Do you know what the casualty figures were per WEEK in WWII, for American military: 5000! PER WEEK!

I can do the same for the Civilians; even the most ludicrous of Leftists estimates (and NOT the complete BS that came out last week); put Iraqi-Afghanistan civilian casualties over the past five years at between 50,000 - 150,000; when you factor in the demographics I mentioned, that's 25,000 - 75,000 in WWII terms, TOTAL in FIVE YEARS!

That's not even equivalent to ONE NIGHT bombing into Dresden and Tokyo!

Hell, Winston Churchill, to PROTECT his equivalent of the NSA listening Program, "allowed" the Luftwaffe to bomb the English city of Coventry, and 10,000 of his FELLOW citizens died that night!, alone!

Now, your Leftist sensibilities are screaming out at this point: MURDERER, you have no regard for human life, you want people to die, you're excusing the murder of innocents, and you don't care about your fellow military etc., etc.!

CRAP! I've already Debunked that bullcrap, which you'll try to pull anyway; I have a HIGHER regard for ANY/ALL life than you'll EVER have, because I've been in the position where my own, and the lives of others were VERY PRECIOUS to me; that is why I care, and I grieve, whereas for you all, it's the ends to a political means, and you have absolutely have NO shame about exploiting it as such!

Any asshole can take a life; preserving one is the real challenge!

But I'm also a REALIST; my wants and desires don't mean squat in the world, my wants and desires and care for human life, didn't keep the Japanese from bombing Pearl Harbor, unsolicited, and murdering 1400 fellow American military men/women in their bunks, while most of them slept!

My wants/desires didn't keep Al Qaeda from murdering 3000 of my fellow citizens, while they were at their desks, catching up on their emails, or drinking their coffee, or thinking about when they had to leave work to go home to their kid's soccer game!

And my want's and desires, are NOT going to keep the same assholes, from setting off a suitcase nuke in downtown Manhattan, as SOON as they get a chance, and murdering 2 MILLION more of my fellow citizens!

Hey Drongo, there are BAD people in the world, they don't think like you and me; life is disposable to them; they could give a shit if you "like" them, and just want to get along, and that you're culturally sensitive, and want to reach out to them!

They're like that, because they ARE; not because Bush is a bad person, or American is a bad country, or becuase we've ever done anything to them; they're like that because their Religion tells them to be like that, and tells them it's okay; and tells them that by murdering us, they'll go to heaven, and they'll get 72 virgins and 24 prebubescent boys to ravish (check out "Ghilman's in the "Wiki" if you don't believe me)!

Drongo, they don't give a crap! So you can wallow in your self-hate, and self-guilt, and your reflexive Anti-Americanism; that's fine, they'll smile in your face, and slit your throat while you're still wallowing in self-pity and hate for Bush!

ME; I'm not giving them the chance!

So, we HAD better succeed in Iraq, it's the "BIG IDEA"; we HAVE NO choice, otherwise, sooner or later, it's World War, against the Islamic Caliphate, and you Quislings and worshipers of Neville Chamberlain, will be running to people like me, and crying going "why didn't anyone warn us....", and hiding behind your skirts, as people like ME, die to protect your sorry asses!

So, to get back to your original point; I don't CARE whether we can win the Iraqi hearts and minds, RIGHT now; we didn't try to win the Japanese and German hearts and minds either; SIXTY YEARS AGO, we WON the DAMN WAR First, and their HEARTS and MINDS came after; if you have any doubt, go visit Germany and Japan NOW, and see what WE accomplished over there; NOT THEM; US, the United States enabled them to be the countries they are now, 60years later; and we earned it with the blood of our young men and women; because despite the pain, and suffering, and the deaths of innocents, WE made the WORLD a BETTER PLACE!

That's a FACT, and it's also a FACT that bothers LEFTISTS as well, so they just ignore it!

Thus, in both Iraq and Afghanistan, despite the pain, the suffering, the dead Americans and dead Iraqis and dead Afghanistanis; it IS NECESSARY; we ARE going to make the World, in the LONG RUN, ad better place, we are going to transform a Murderous Ideology; and we HAVE to do, for the sake of US, and THEM, in the long run!

And if you don't understand that, there is NO hope for you, or your fellow anti-American Jacobites!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 16.10.2006 @ 17:35

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