Comments Posted By Dale in Atlanta
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 138 Comments


ed: you are not incorrect, in stating that we disagree more often than not! But, you ask me serious questions, and I detect a sincere effort, not one at demagogery; so I will attempt to answer, in the same respectful manner.

"You mentioned keeping Jihadist’s busy in Iraq as helping keep them from attacking the U.S. I pray this is true."

You and I both; but you also have to know, that our IC, our Military, our Law Enforcement, the DHS, etc., etc. HAVE to be 100% correct!, to avoid ANY terrorist attack!

No room for error.

The Jihadis, on the other hand, only need a 1% success rate!

I use the example of the Space Shuttle to illustrate this to critics.

ed, do you know how many SUCESSFUL Space Shuttle flights there have been??


There has been a total of 118 Shuttle Flights; 116 Successful, and the two obvious "Failures"!

So, if someone asks you, "tell me about Space Shuttle flights"; I'm sure the first two you mention, are going to be the failures!

Wow, where else could a 98.4% Success rate, be considered a Failure?

Same with 9/11, and any other Jihadi attack; no one will ever remember the successes, the Jihadis are successful if they only get thru ONCE!

It's basically impossible, based upon human nature, weaknesses, incompetence, to be successful in stopping ALL Jihadi attacks/plots, etc.!

That leads into your next point:

"What I don’t understand is that the entire 9/11 operation only involved a few dozen plotters and operations people and a half a million dollars at most. It would seem to me, although I don’t have your knowledge or background, that nothing going on in Iraq could stop a few dozen men from raising suffecient cash and carrying out a serious terrorist act in the U.S."

You are, in my humble opinion, 100% correct!

I told my colleagues, after 9/11, and the handwringing and second-guessing began, that they had it BACKWARDS!

The "miracle" is not that 19 Jihadis, with a $500,000 budget, and box-cutters murdered 3000 people, and toppled the WTC; the actual "miracle" is that it DIDN'T HAPPEN BEFORE, and even more puzzling, HASN'T HAPPENED SINCE!

I don't for the life of me, know why Al Qaeda/Hezbollah, have NOT started a Homicide Bomber/Carbomb campaign in this country.

With our open borders, and the Leftist nuts inside the CIA/NSA/DOD/US Congress, etc., who have in effect, gutted all the efforts the Bush Administration has tried to stay on top of the Jihadis: the NSA program, the SWIFT Program, the FISA program, etc., by LEAKING everything about them to the MSM, I'm just amazed that we haven't been hit dozens, if not scores of times since 9/11 & the Iraq Invasion.

I'm not the only person who has wondered this, of course; trust me, they are talking about it every day, "inside".

My only explainations are completely my own, and I'm not egotistical enough to think they are all-inclusive nor complete:

a) Al Qaeda was caught somewhat by surprise, by the "success" of 9/11, in actually knocking down both of the towers. Bin Laden himself, has kind of admitted that, in a video of him captured after we invaded Afghanistan, and broadcast all over the world.

Bottomline, that "success" has kind of spoiled them; the want the Next attack, to be even MORE "successful" than 9/11; in a way, they would lose "face" and generate talks of their impotence, or devasted capabilities as the result of US actions since 9/11, if they started to launch piddly-assed attacks, like they tried in Britain, which is a different case than the US.

b) truly, Afghanistan & Iraq, has really tied them down. We know (and by "we" I mean this is NOT any "inside" info, it's available on the net, if you know where to look!), that there have been serious Theological Discussions, and even Rifts within Al Qaeda, over which targets to attack first.

When 9/11 was carried out, it was seen as a victory for Bin Laden/Zawahiri, as the proponents of "Far Jihadi". There had been ongoing theological rifts for years, between the proponents of "Far Jihad" i.e. let's not sit back and wait for the Americans to come to us, let's take the fight to their homelands, and the proponents of "Near Jihad"; which was the philosophy favored by others, and which meant basically, let's get rid of the corrupt local Muslim/Arab governments, backed by the US/West, first, then take the fight to the homelands of the Americans.

Bin Laden/Zawahiri, pushed and won the debate of "Far Jihad" vs. "Near Jihad", and with 9/11, "won" the argument.

However, the Iraq invasion, changed the dynamic, they clearly did not only NOT expect the Taliban and themselves to get pushed out of Afghanistan so easily (relying upon over 300 years of Military History which stated that no foreign power could in fact, prevail in Afghanistan); but they also never expected the invasion of Iraq.

Since then, there has been ample evidence that with the Invasion of Iraq, the rifts between the "Far Jihad" and "Near Jihad" proponents have been opened again, and it is clear from documentation captured in Iraq, and from Jihadi forums, etc., that the "Far Jihad" approach was put on the backburner, and that "Near Jihad" definitely came to the fore again. In fact, the evidence is that the Jihadis now consider, the War in Iraq to be their SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT battleground in the their eventual plans to re-establish the Worldwide Islamic Caliphate!

To them, it would be an absolutely devastating loss of faith, to lose in Iraq, they've tied all their resources, all their efforts, and all their propaganda up on the last 4 years, in "winning" in Iraq.

That is a fact; so in that sense, I think you are not correct.

"I also would like to think that our intelligence and law enforcement efforts (shutting down several active plots that we know of) have played a more important role in preventing terrorist attacks than the Iraq War. You obviously know more than I do on the topic, so my question is, where am I wrong in these assumptions?"

Remember the "Millenium" Plot; that was touted by the Clinton Administration as a big "success" in the war against Terror!

It was anything but; it wasn't picked up by our IC AT ALL!

Despite what Clinton, Berger, Clarke lie about it!

It was one, single, on-the-ball female Customs officer, at the border, late at night, who was suspicious of an idiot coming across the border, and did what she should do, and that arrest, and that arrest only, stopped the plot!

Well, I bring that up, because whether we admit it or not, the "plots" that have become public over the past 4 years, have been more, really about the amateurishness, and stupidity of the actually Plotters, than about anything we've really done to stop them!

That includes the NYC Pipeline plot, the Ft. Dix plot, etc.

Now notice, I am NOT, like the Left, pooh poohing the fact that there actually EXISTS a threat from Jihadis, and that by chance, another dozen of amateurs, can get lucky, and kill Thousands.

That CAN Happen.

It's just that I personally, have not seen one single Plot, that has become public in the past 4 years, that was being done by "Professionals".

Now, I'm caveating this, because I don't have "inside" information any more, and I have NO IDEA what SERIOUS plots have been stopped, that for reasons of National Security, or exploitation aspects, have NOT become "public".

I have no idea, and I have no details; based upon comments over the past couple of years, by people such as Bush and Cheney and Chertoff etc., I suspect there have been dozens of such cases, but I don't know details, and I suspect that any of those, may have been a bit more professional, and hence more dangerous.

But I would propose to you, that you should NOT take the fact that there have been NO major attacks since 9/11, and a half dozen amateurish plots have in fact been stopped, as comfort in thinking that we have a complete handle on everything, and that we're safe over here!

In fact, I believe, it's exactly the opposite.

I think they're planning the BIG one, though in what form, I cannot accurately predict.

And we are NOT 100% perfectly capbable of stopping everything; especially with our completely OPEN borders, north and south.

As you know also, still only something like 3% of all shipping containers coming into the US, are inspected!

I can't imagine what theyve been successful in smuggling thru, that way.

So, again, I would propose, that the ONLY reasons we've haven't been hit with the "big one", just yet is because:

a) we have, thanks to Iraq and Afghanistan, seriously degraded their capabilities

b) in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Saudi and Pakistan, we have literally killed THOUSANDS of their most capable agents, and they are having a hard time replacing/training them, with no "safe havens" anymore..

c) that the Iraq War, has in fact, caused them to concentrate for the past 4 years, more on the "Near Jihad", vice the "Far Jihad"

d) they want to hit us with a more Spectacular Attack than 9/11, the next time, and for that reason, they've kind of backed off a bit.

e) and we have no idea, how long they will continue to do that, and what they have in the "works"; other than they WILL attack us again, and they only have to be succesful ONCE!

I hope that answers your questions; I don' expect to Change your mind on anything, and thus am not trying.

But, I did try to give you honest answers; the rest is up to you!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 2.07.2007 @ 12:09

B. Poster: you are correct of course; but that was a Rhetorical question I was asking; that's the "question" I hear from Leftists all the time, when they are denigrating what they consider to be "Right wing Fear Mongering" about the Jihadis coming over here to the US to attack us.

But I agree, we know that Russia, itself the subject of Jihadism, such as Beslan, Chechnya, and all it's Islamic Caucuses territories; as well as China, which has been caught supplying arms to the Taliban, are making our life difficult.

It's a shortsighted policy, because they are both targets.

Everett: Interesting information; clearly this latest go around of British Jihadis (whether of the homegrown "local" flavor, or foreign "import" types) are base amateurs compared to the hardcore Jihadis in Iraq.

That's why I personally, as of yet, am not totally convinced this was a "frontline" controlled/ordered by Al Qaeda plot.

This strikes me, so far, as more run-of-the-mill "We're inspired by Al Qaeda and let's go out and kill some clubber's type.

Certainly, they had the opportunity to get lucky, and possibly kill hundreds; I don't dismiss that threat, and unlike the Nutbag Leftists, I KNOW the Jihadi threat is real, whether it's amateurs or professionals.

But as of right now, this plot seems to stand out to me, for it's sheer incompetence, vice anything else.

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 2.07.2007 @ 08:32

And I forgot to add:

And because of Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, Tony Zinni and Geroge Tenet, we did not finish the Al Qaeda "problem", and 9/11 was a result.

Anything short of killing these bastards, and they view it as a "victory", and come back even stronger.

Saddam remained convinced to his dying day, he WON the "Gulf War"!

Why? Because in the end, he was ALIVE!

If the situation would've been reversed, trust me, he wouldn't have been so magnanimous!

Pro-Jihadi Leftists, will argue, that we "created" more Jihadis than would've existed ordinarily, by invading Iraq.

I ask them them, "what about 9/11"; that happened before Iraq?

That either shuts them up, or they start saying but yes, "that's our fault, because of Israel".

That's what always come back to; Leftists in this country are intrinsically Anti-Semitic, even the ones that are Jewish, like Noam Chomsky!

If you tell them that the theological "grandfather" of mondern Jihadism, Syed Qutb, came to the United States BEFORE the establishment of Israel, and decided that the United States was Evil, and needed to be Destroyed, and converted to Islam, they start sputtering, and stuttering, and become apoplectic; they have no answer; because they have no knowlege nor experience, except Anti-Americanism, Anti-Semitism, and Pro-Jihadism and Reflexive Surrender Syndrome!

Yes, in the short term, the Iraq invasion probably does "create more terrorist"; things will be bad, and worse, for awhile, but it IS necessary!

However, the unexpected side benefits, are that it has significantly Speeded up the Jihadis longrange plans; WE are not controlling the timetable, NOT THEM!

The thought that after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan, and the end of the Gulf War, when the Jihadis had free reign in Sudan, Afghanistan, and Saddam was free to crush the Kurds and Shias (OUR fault, by the way!), and establish ties with Al Qaeda via "back channel" while denying it openly, that the West would just sit back, and allow them to establish Islamic Caliphates in Sudan, Afghanistan, etc., and from there, eventually take over the whole "Dar el Islam" and eventually, the "Dar el Harb"!

Clinton's complete and utter abdication of responsibility in Somalia, after the WTC '93, Khobar, the Am Emb East Africa and the USS Cole, only REINFORCED their believe, that the US/West was FINISHED, and they would have an easy time implementing their longrange establishment of the Islamic Caliphate plans, which they have mapped out to 150 years from now, IF necessary!

We can't even plan for six mnnths for now!

We definitely disrupted their plans, by speeding things up, we control the tempo, to our Advantage, IF the Leftist nuts in the country don't force us to Surrender first!

A proof of this side benefit, is that he Saudi Government, has estimated that 5 - 10,000 young Saudi men have "disappeared" into the sands of Iraq and/or mountains of Afghanistan, mostly dead at the hands of US/NATO/Coalition forces.

I ask you Rick; would you rather have those 5 - 10,000 potential Saudi Jihadis, which doesn't even count the amount of "missing" Moroccans, Algerians, Libyans, Syrians, Palestinians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, etc., fighting in Iraq/Afghanitan, and other OVERSEAS battlefields, taking on our Marines and Soldiers and Navy and Air Force, and LOSING EVERY ENGAGEMENT; or would you rather have them sitting at home, indolent, bored, stuffed with Wahhabi and Salafiyyah Petro-cash, trying to figure out how to come back over HERE, and kill another 3000+ of our fellow innocent American civilians, on the way to work?

Me, that's no choice at all; despite the fact that Leftist Nuts in this country would rather SURRENDER, than make that choice!

Just remember Rick; the US "lost" Vietnam, despite the FACT that the NVA and VC NEVER WON A SINGLE BATTLE on the Battlefield, above the size of a Platoon on Platoon engagement (say 35 personnel vs. 35 pesonnel!)

How did we "lose" Vietham, if that is the case?

LEFTISTS will to surrender, in this country!

General Giap himself said, "We didn't win on the Battlefield, we won on the streets of America"!

In Iraq, it is even WORSE!

Jihadis have not won ONE "battle", above the SQUAD tactical level, in either Afghanistan or Iraq; a Squad of Military personnel, is one third of a Platoon, so 10 - 15 personnel.

In fact, 18% of our Total "casualties" in Iraq, are NON-COMBATE related; that means vehicle accidents mainly, disease, some suicides, etc.

18%! In military historical terms, that's an astounding figure!

Of the remaining casualties, 70% have not even been killed in direct battle conditions, but killed by IED/VBIED's!

That means that only 30% our casualties have actually been killed in traditional battle; which shows not only the stunning inability of the Jihadis to fight, but also of the extreme capabilities our our men and women in uniform!

Of course, this IS "doom and gloom" for the Surrender First crowd, but for anyone with a Clue, about Military History, it's a stunning testement to our actual battlefield dominance of the enemy!

But a casual reading to the day-by-day MSM accounts of th eWar, would never give you that impression!

This is a Necessary War, Rick; one that we ARE winning, just like Vietnam.

In Vietnam, we Surrendered, after winning.

In the Gulf War, we won the Battle, and lost the War, due to a lack of Will.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, we have DOMINATED the enemy, we are winning, and could win, and could accomplish that "Paradigm Shift" in the Middle East, and Islam, that we so desperately NEED; but I seriously doubt, because of the Nutbag Leftists, that we will get the time!

History will never forgive us for that!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 1.07.2007 @ 12:48

Rick: even thought I don't comment on your blog as much as I used too; I still read you every day.

I was a bit "surprised" by your turn against the war in Iraq last week, and refrained from comment/debate with you on purpose.

As someone who was in Iraq the first time around, and got to see Saddam's handiwork on the Kurds up close and personal; I need no convincing whatsoever, that we did the right thing, when we invaded, and toppled Saddam.

In fact, I was furious at Bush Sr. when he refused to do it in 91.

I know, I know, every one says "he didn't have the authority", blah, blah, blah; that's nonsense.

I can't even begin to adequately describe what complete and utter genocide I saw perpetrated upon the Kurds, the number of dead Kurdish kids I saw, etc.

Sadly, this Administration, has made major mistkes, from the begnnning, not only in the conduct of the War in Iraq, but also Afghanistan.

I can't offer any excuses for any of those, and won't.

However, no one, who hasn't see what I have seen, will ever convince me that it wasn't the RIGHT thing to do in Iraq, and despite all the obstacles, all the hurdles, all the pain, this is a Necessary War, and one that we NEED to see thru to the end, one way or another.

I've been living in, studying, living with, and analyzing the Islamic Religion and Culture, for 30 years.

I've forgotten more about that area of the world, than Buffoons like Larry Johnson ever knew!

I've lived there, worked there, been there as a dependent, student, worker, businessman, civilian, military member, IC specialist, etc.

The Bush Administration did what it did, for it's own reasons. I don't claim to be able to read the minds, nor know the dynamics of the interal Administration debate/reasonings, for the Iraq War.

Was it the RIGHT thing to do: Unequivicably!

It is something we NEED to "win": Categorically!

Probably not realizing what they've done, the Bush Administration set us upon a course, that will absolutely bring about a complete an utter Paradigm Shift in the Islamic Religion.

One that was necessary, one that required, and one that IF it hadn't have been done now; would've reared up 20, 50, 75 years from now, and been UNSTOPPABLE!

It's painful, both in terms of our casualties, and also in the lives of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis, etc.

WWII took the lives of literally Tens of Millions of lives as well! No one ever argues, (except idiot Marxist-Leninist Anti-Semitic Anti-American Pro-Jihadi types like Noam Chompsksy, etc.) that WWII was unnecessary.

Despite the attempts by the Administration to reamin "PC" and talk about Islam as the Religion of "Peace", nothing could be further from the truth!

Thanks to Truman, we didn't finish the Korean "propblem", and now, 55 years later, that situation, may end up costing MILLIONS of lives, if it ever goes to war again.

Thanks to Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagen, we didn't finish the Iranian and Hezbollah "problems", and now, with them on the verge nuclear weapons, and Iran/Hezbollah nothing short of Terrorist organizations, it's already cost us the lives of our Marines and civilians in Beirut, their share of dead US Military in Iraq, and ultimately maybe hundreds of thousands of dead in any further conflict.

Thanks to Bill Clinton, we didn't finish the problem in Somalia, and it cost us the casualties in Black Hawk down, and within the past months, we had SOF and Ethiopian forces paying a price there, again, and it's not done!

Thanks to Bush Sr., we didn't finish the "Iraq" problem, and we are paying the price now!

The bottomline, "talking", "negotiating", "playing nice", and "surrendering" to these Jihadies, and Shias, and loons like the North Koreans DOES NOT WORK!

Outside the US, and the UK, and some handful of other Western Oriented cultures, ANY attempt to "negotiate" or "talk", is viewed as a WEAKNESS, and it means that you have LOST!

That is just a FACT of life, IF you have a clue, and knowledge and experience of these cultures.


The Moonbat Leftist Anti-American Pro-Jihadi Pro-"Peace" Nutbags in this country and Europe, DO NOT!


I know, the Leftists who inhabit this board, will read the above, and as there Talking Point demands, will pooh pooh the "consume" comment; saying "Do you really believe the Jihadis can come over here and take over...blah blah blah"..

I even had an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Nut, on another Blog some months ago, ask me to show him which Jihadi Organization had an Air Force and Naval capability to launch an invasion of the US!

It's a stunning display of stupidity and naivetee and idiocy, that shows once again, that I have 30 years of experience analyzing this problem, and they have Zero!

Rick, I'm not attacking your recent stance, nor am I even debating you, it's unnecessary, I'm stating my opinion, based upon my vast knowledge of this culture, religion, and people.

I do politely suggest however, that you continue to stay on top of the situation, and continue to read what is really going on, and not pay attention to RINO's such as Lugar and Vonovich, and of course, the MSN and the LTSP (the Leftist Treasonous Seditionist Party, formerly known as "Democrats")!

To get an Unvarnished account of what is really going on in Iraq, on a daily basis, I suggest you read these sites:

Regards, Dale

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 1.07.2007 @ 12:08

Just Got Back: Here is Larry "I'm a Nutbag Leftist" Johnson's Penultimate example of his so-called "analytical" expertise:

Never saw anyone, milk a 20 years old, blip-on-the-radar less than stellar 4 year "Intel" career as a "Analyst", for so much Self-Aggrandizement!

It reminds me of John Kerry milking a 40 year old 5-month's-in-combat (with 3 fake medals) career, in order to try and get into the White House.

Also keep in mind, Johnson has made claims in the past that he worked for the "sexy" "Directorate of Ops" in the CIA; that's a falsehood; he was in the Directorate of Intelligence, as a low-grade 4-year analyst deskrider (a REMF as we so-deservedly derisively called them: Rear Echelon Mother-F&%$er); and he if had been any good at his job, he wouldn't have left after only 4 years, trust me!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 1.07.2007 @ 11:29

Larry "CIA Analyst" Johnson, foaming, screeching child-member of the Leftist, Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Nutbag crowd, is on a "winning streak", isn't he?

A month before 9/11, he said Americans were too focused on "terrorism", and that there was basically no threat to the United States from "terrorism"!

Last night, he joined fellow Leftist Nutbag/Lunar Chiroptera colong member, Herr Keith "Isn't it suspicious that when Bush drops in the Polls, these "terrorist attacks" occur?" OBERLOON, to pooh pooh the double failed car-bombing attempt in London yesterday, as the work of amateurs, and not much ado about anything!


You Freaking NUT! You are ZERO for TWO, and about to STRIKE OUT, you freaking Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi MORON!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 30.06.2007 @ 16:30


Joe Helgerson Said:
10:58 pm

It's pathetically obvious, from the tone and content of your post, that not only are you scared witless of Fred Thompson running for the GOP, but that you realize that the absolutely imbecilic collection of clowns, currently running for your LEFTIST party, basically have got NOTHING!


Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 1.06.2007 @ 07:42

Rick: you and I disagree on a lot of issues on your Blog; that's okay, because it is "Your" blog after all.

Mainly, I think it's because you consider yourself a "Conservative Republican", and because I consider myself an "Independent" (because I am a registered independent, and I vote that way, both for Democratic and Republican candidates).

I categorically refuse to tie myself to any one "party", plank, ideology, etc. I think it's self-destructive, and you have to tie yourself into all kinds of mental pretzels, for example to explain why for example, you are "Pro-Life", but support the Death Penalty; and conversely, why you have to explain why you are "Pro-Choice", but against the Death Penalty!

I don't have that problem, because instead of tying myself to any one ideological platform, I sit down, and say, "hey, what makes SENSE"!

Thus for example, I do believe, personally, that abortion, in some instances should be allowed (rape, incest, sexual assaulty, health of the mother; terminal health defects, etc.). What I also believe, is that it should NOT be a form of "birth control" for lazy assed people, who refuse to wear a condom or take a pill, or for the mondern day slutty teenagers who are taught by their Leftist parents that it's okay to have sex with any guy who buys them a 50 cent Coke! Additionally, I firmly support the Death Penalty, for a variety of reasons, but I also realize the inherent corruptibilty, and unfairness of the US Justice system, in applying the dealth penalty fairly, and consistantly, etc., and I have a bunch solutions for those problems, which I don't feel like discussing at this time.

Regardless, this isn't the reason for my comment. It's just background predicated on your post above.

As a registered independent, I'm scared witless, that there literally will be no Viable, decent candidate, from either party, to vote for, in 2008!

Certainly, I will NEVER vote for any single Leftist (I no longer refer to "Democrats" as "Democrats"; they're gone from the political landscape, except for maybe Joe Lieberman; thus, the so-called "Democrats" today, are in fact, "LEFTISTS", and deserve to be called as such"); even as a political "Independent", I am, above all else an Unabashed, dyed-in-the-wool AMERICAN!

Hence, I choose "my" candidate for President, on what they will do for AMERICA!

Thus, I can NEVER vote for any of the current Leftists running, because every single one of them, is only currently concerned, in doing what is absolutely best for Mexico, or China, or even worse, the Jihadis!

So, they're all out!

As for the so-called "Republicans"; some are too "conservative" for me; and others are just plain wacko (John McCain, Ron Paul); and don't stand a snowball's chance in hell!

That leaves the possibility of Rudy only; and the object of your post, Fred Thompson!

Give me Fred Thompson in a Landslide!

Right now, I see only him, and second choice Rudy, as the only real chance for American to escape the clutches of the Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftists, and the stupidity, incompetence and greediness of the so-called "Republicans".

Yes, it will get interesting, but frankly, as a country, we NEED Fred Thompson, and NOW!

Otherwise, we're in serious trouble...

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 31.05.2007 @ 12:15


"R.L.Page Said:
12:09 am

You know you’re on the cutting-edge of WingNutWorld when you’ve got ‘Dale in Atlanta’ backing you up while you give credence to the delusions of NorwayGeorge (a/k/a SexySexySexion.)"

Well, I see reading comprehension is not one of "RL's" strong points!

I never 'backed up" Rick, in fact, he and I differ quite dramatically on the whole Plame affair, as I took pains to point out!

I said "nice summation"; but I don't agree with his views on the subject at all, and made that clear!

As for Seixon, I used to read his Blog, and post there on occasion, I also made the following statement: "I know that story"!

That was it, I never said I believed his story, or didn't believe it, or make any other comment.

I read Seixon's Blog for maybe a year; he seemed like a very well-informed, nice young man. He made a lot of good points, and whatever happened to him, he clearly was frightened by it, and I have a tendancy to believe, that SOMETHING "happened" to scare him; no, I don't think he's delusional at all.

The PUNK Larry Johnson doesn't like him, and he has clearly threatened people in the past, so I'm sure that he probably did it to Seixon; but that's what I'm saying NOW; I didn't say it in my previous post, you just invented that out of whole cloth, because you had nothing intelligent to add!

Besides, I've had "conversations" with certain individuals, inside the "Beltway", and also inside "Langley" since Larry went on his threatening spree; I forwarded all the appropriate Blog URL's, and comments in open forums Larry has made, and well as pointed them in a couple of other directions.

They are NOT a "domestic" law enforcement Agency as you know, but of course, it is in their interest to know when one of their former low-level employees, is making threats, and attempting to portray that short, insignificant employment as something other than what it was, especially when he insinuates that he can threaten peoples lives and or well being!

So, unlike "Larry", I won't make threats or insinuations in that regard, that Larry is being "watched" or anything like that, I in fact DON'T KNOW, and I don't WANT to know; but all I will say, is that I did my level best, to bring his nonsense to the attention of people who are in a position to care about what he did, and leave it at that!

Joe Helgerson Said:
10:02 pm

I guess than my 84 year old dad, a WW2 vet, who received the Bronze Star for action during the Battle of the Bulge, who thinks the invasion of Iraq was the stupidest thing this country ever did, must be weak according to Dales views.

Ah YEAH! You can't believe the number of Leftists, who post, and tell me that they have an uncle, or a dad, or a cousin, who served in WWI, or Korea, or Vietnam, and they disagree with Bush/Iraq, and because of their relative's prior service, that excuses it all!

Okay, sure, whatever...

Let's see: my Uncle was killed in Achen, by a Sniper, after the Battle of the Bulge; his Wife and Son are both for the invasion, and the fight against Islamofacists!

My other Uncle, served in Korea for 2 years; DITTO!

I have a total of 5 other Uncles, who served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam; ALL agree with the invasion of Iraq, and Support the war on terror!

My father was in US Army Aircorps ROTC, and was on track to be a pilot; he was 4F'd out, because he was seriously injured on a summer construction job between college school years, otherwise, he'd have served too! Big deal I guess....but he is wholeheartedly behind the invasion, the President and the war on Islamofascists!

Oh Yeah, I forgot to mention, when my father got 4F'd out of the USAAC, after he recovered, he ended up in "Government Service", and we as a family spent over 30 years living in Africa and the Middle East, to include: Liberia, Nigeria, Egypt, and Sudan! I do know a little about the subject...

I served in the United States Marine Corps as an Infantry Officer, Light Armored Vehicle Office, and Intelligence Officer, variously! I attended University at the American University in Cairo. I speak Arabic, I've spent the last 30 years, analyzing Islamic Fundalmentalism; I've forgotten more about it, than Larry ever knew!

I support the President, the invasion of Iraq, and the fight on Islamofascists!

Hmmmmmmmmmm, I see a little pattern here.......

So, tell your father, I honor his service, and I appreciate what he did. He served (IF you are telling the truth), in a meatgrinder, performed bravely, and best of all, he came back home, safe and sound, to raise a family, and I'm proud of him, and happy for him.

I also disagree with his views; that doesn't make his views any less valid, but neither does it make them any more valid than mine. His service also does not make your views any more valid as well! His service was HIS service, not yours! Your views are your own!

And Dale, I’d put my money on Larry Johnson, any day of the week.

"A Fool is easily seperated from his money!"

LARRY: I'm still here, still waiting for you to threaten ME!

C'mon big guy, you can do it, I know you can!

Any sniveling sycophant of the PROVEN liars Valerie and Joe Wilson, can do it, c'mon!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 31.05.2007 @ 09:29

Rick: I used to read and post at Seixon's blog, so I know the story.

For the record: Larry Johnson is a liar, a fraud, and a punk!

I've called him out on several Blogs, he's welcome to come after me, any time he likes!

I, FOR REAL, "know" people inside the Beltway; 'nuff said!

Larry, I've called you out a half a dozen times; you're welcome to threaten me, any time you like!


Nice summation Rick, but you and I diverge on one point!

Plame was NOT "outted" by the White House, or Libby, or any of those.

Plame was "outted", when her and her husband, decided to affect, and effect, US National Policy, by deliberately LYING about the following:

a) the "sixteen words in the President's SOTUS!
b) Wilson's OPED; a complete LIE, from start to finish!
c) the so-called Niger "forgeries", and when in fact Wilson had seen/knew about them
d) Wilson's conclusions of his trip to Niger, and the effect they had upon the CIA analysts who debriefed him
e) Who in fact, suggested, and chose Wilson to begin with, for the Niger trip (reminder: Valerie Plame suggested her husband, not for one, not for two, but THREE trips total, to Niger)
f) When Valerie Plame decided to contribute money to the DNC, list her name, and her employer, as a CIA front company!
g) buy Joe Wilson listing Valerie by name, as his wife, in Who's Who
h) by Valeric Plame attending a meeting with Uncleared State Department personnel in 2002, and telling them she not only was an employee of the CIA, but also Joe Wilson's wife; it was this information, that was used later onto write up the State Department memo, that was circulated around the White House and the State Department; and it was from this memo, that Armitage leaked to Robert Novak, and it is from this memo, that Libby and others in the White House found out about Plame's connection to Wilson and his trip overseas.
i) Valerie Plame attended a meeting, between her husband and several journalists, while attempting to get his "story" of "twisted intel" and the "forgeries" (since proven to be completely bogus!) out, where her connection to events was discussed, and an open secret
j) by falsly claming, that she, Valerie Plame, had nothing to do with her husband's trip to Niger, and that the trip came as a result of the VP's office; when in fact, the historical and documented record NOW show, that in fact, Valerie Plame suggested her husband for the trip, PRIOR to the VP's office ROI getting over to the CIA

The bottomline is this Rick; if I, was an active CIA employee, and along with my wife, colluded with Leftist Journalists and Democrats, to undermine the President of the United States, and Foreign Policy, based upon a web of lies and deceit, I would EXPECT...nay HOPE, that not only would I be "exposed", but I would hope to hades that I would be PROSECUTED to the FURTHEST EXTENT OF THE LAW!

That is what SHOULD happen!

But President Bush, and his incompetent advisors, think that they are playing nice, and non-partisan, and "above the fray", by not relentlessly attacking their domestic enemies, in the brutal fashion that the Clinton's made an art form!

It's a shame, by their inaction, and incompetence, and refusal to see the true nature of how really evil and devious their Leftist Democratic enemies are, who have no standards, no morals, no ethics, and most of all, no care for America, Bush and his Administration have actually been complicit in the outright sedition and treason of people like Plame and Wilson and the Democrats in places like the State Department and the CIA, who have leaked countless secrets VITAL to national security, the GWOT and our fight against the Jihadis!

THAT is the true shame of this matter, which has not only eroded out abilities to fight this evil enemy of Islamofascism, but it has alo undermined the ability of future President's to fight the Jihadis, the tools they'd have to use to do that, it's undermined the moral of our Troops in battle, and it's undermined the faith of the American people in their Military, and the Administration.

It's a Keystone Kops Komedy of errors, and Bush and Rove and the other clueless ones, have only enabled their Leftist enemies in this. It just disgusts me to no end....

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 30.05.2007 @ 13:15

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