Comments Posted By Dale in Atlanta
Displaying 41 To 50 Of 138 Comments


Merlin: Hi have NO doubt that the Clinton campaign started this, with selected leaks and dirty tricks; of course they did!

But it's the Republicans and McCain who will get blamed by the delusional Leftists!

You could have videotape of the Billary Symbiote taping a "Pastor" Wright sermon themselves, and then watching them anonymously dropping it off at FNC, and BDS-afflicted Leftist Nutbags would start screaming "Karl Rove did it, Halliburton funded it, and the Rethuglikkan Chimp-in-Charge Bullshitler" engineered the whole thing!"

Leftists: more deluded than Sybil, and dumber than a sack of ballpeen hammers! Gotta love them! In a pitiful and contemptable sort of way!

Chip: "It seems to matter most to people who could never bring themselves to vote for a black man or a Democrat anyway."

Chip, not sure what you mean by that, but as people constantly try to categorize me, based upon my comments, let me completely baffle you: I haven't been to church since my First marriage; that worked out so well, I haven't been back, and that was 24 years ago! I haven't prayed since I was in Sunday school last, which was about 44 years ago. I'm a registered Independent, and I've done something that very few people who post on Blogs have ever done, I've voted for BOTH "Republicans" and "Democratic" Presidential candidates.

I'm in a mixed Marriage, and I've dated Egyptian, Lebanese, Omani, American White, American Black, Filipina and Japanese women!

I'm not a "Republican"; I'm not a "Conservative"; I'm one thing, and one thing only, I'm an AMERICAN!

I'd vote for Obama in a heartbeat, IF he was an "American"; unfortunately, the Left in this country has so completely LOST THEIR MINDS, that they no longer qualify for that honorific. Besides, Obama is NOT "black"; I'm not a mathematician, but as understand it, currently, a person can have only TWO parents! That means, that regardless of the ethnicity of your parents, you can only be 50%/50% of something; you can't be 51% or 63%. You can be 50%, or even 75%, etc.

So, Obama is 50% white blood and 50% black blood; that's the same number as far as I'm concerend, but then, I was educated in the 60's, so what do I know?

Bottomline, if Obama is 50% white and 50% black, WHE is he a "black" man? Who decides that? The US Government, your church, your parents? Is it kept track somewhere in a Database or a Register?

Please enligten me!

I have black colleagues at work, who start to talk about Malcom X, say he was "black" civil right leader, etc., and I just reply, you know what, I know he had one white grandparent, and he thus is 25% white blood, and thus in my book, that makes him a great WHITE civil rights leader!

Completely flummoxes them, they just usually mutter to themselves and walk away.

As far as I'm concerned, Obama is a MAN; a Leftist, and Anti-American, and I don't give a damn if he thinks he's "black" or the Racist Democrats label him as "black" so they can use the victimization card and accuse Rupblicans of racism; to me, he is a sadly confused, dishonest MAN, Leftist Anti-American MAN and I don't want him as President of My country!

PS: "Old Dem" PROVES that Anti-American/Pro-Jihadis Leftist Nutbags such as himself, and his Democratic pals, should NEVER be allowed out of their cribs, and they certainly are incapable for running a country or being trusted with Power.

You can't have Clowns like "Old Dem" in charge, when they hate the very country they want to lead, to the very core of their being, and their sole goal for garnering power is to destroy the country they want to run!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 15.03.2008 @ 12:14

Rick: wow, amazing, never thought someone would have the testicular fortitude to tackle this subject; it needs to be, and you won't see it in the MSM, that is for sure; and frankly it's something I've "known" about Obama since he began running for President, and I found out he was a member of the Trinity Church, and I started doing my own research on the topic almost two years ago.

Frankly, you don't go far enough; Obama does NOT "love" his country; his wife inadvertently has proven that by her own statements, which have never been analyzed in the context that they deserve, which is having grown up in a "Pastor" Wright type environment!

The clips of "Pastor" Wright the past two days, put into context, completely and correctly, her statement that "for the first time in my life I'm proud of my country", and lends lie to the explanaition that she, her husband and the campaign tried to spin them ex post facto.

Rick, this is very articulate: "You cannot read a social history of the United States and come away with any other notion except it is a remarkable testament to the power of ideas and the fact of American exceptionalism that African Americans have fought and died in our wars, built our infrastructure, contributed to the scientific and technical achievements that have made us the envy of the world, and vastly enriched the culture – all the while being denied the simplest, most common rights and privileges enjoyed by the majority white population."

But you know what? It doesn't matter.

Racism is Racism, Hate is Hate; there was and is sadly "white racism", and there, despite what the Leftists and the Liberals, there is "black racism", and "Pastor" Wright is a Racist, and he is Anti-American, that is definitive fact!

As for Obama, he can deny it, he can pretend otherwise, but you cannot be a member of that church for 20 years, be married by him, take your kids there, and be married to a lady who essentially and obviously has the same views as "Pastor" Wright, and not on some level, believe the same exact things!

Sorry, that's the inalienable truth!

Additionally Rick, I "know" Obama, I grew up overseas, in Africa manily, and the Middle East; my parents spent an additional 18 years in Africa, before I was born, and after I left the "nest"; me and my family know Africa and Africans.

I've known hundreds of "Obamas", and his whole schitick of "i grew up black" is crap, as is the attempt to whitewash his mother's views.

I knew hundreds like her too!

She was a radical, American hating socialist from the 60's, who thought she was rejecting America, and sticking it to her parents, by dating and marrying a black man in the 60's, and then following that up with an Indonesian man.

Rick: full disclosure, I'm "white", have dated a half dozen black women since I was in college, and I'm in a mixed marriage now!

I KNOW what I'm talking about!

As for Obama, he didn't grow up "black" in America, that is part of his whole fallacious schitick to garner support in the black American community.

Africans, don't consider themselves "black"; they almost universally despise "black Americans"; they hate them really, they consider them spoiled, rotten, and arrogant, and they don't consider them "brothers", despite the Leftist rhetoric you will see sometimes!

Obama's father was an African, and he would have acted like an African, and Obama was raised by his mother as a privaledged sone of an expat who should despise America.

Sorry, been there, seen it, know it!

Additionally, he went to $14,000 per year Prep schools in Hawaii, he traveled the world with his mother, in addition to his exclusive Prep school, he went to Columbia University and Harvard Law School for gosh's sake! His wife went to Princeton and Harvard Law School!

Rick, I WISH that I had that type of educational background/history; sorry, coldn't afford it, and my parent's couldn't, and I won't be able to afford it for my daughters!

Sorry Rick, neither Obama, nor his wife, grew up "black in America"!

Bottomline is this Rick, neither Obama, nor his wife, nor their congregation, "love" America.

They've taken advantage of all the good things America has to offer (Obama's wife earned over $100K per year, until he got a $1M dollar earmark for her Hospital, at which point her salary was DOUBLED to almost $300K!)

Rick, I've NEVER made even half that amount of money in my BEST year!

Obama and his wife, should LOVE this country, maybe TWICE as much as I do!

Nope, they didn't grow up "black" and they still hate this country!

It's Leftist, Anti-American, Liberal victimization idealology that created this Rick, nothing more, nothing less!

And you and I disagree, but Obama's actions, DEFINITELY betray the fact that he is in fact, a Muslim, practicing "Taqiyah";
it fits the pattern so completely, it's not even funny.

Here is a sentence from a NYT article on Senator Obama, that puts everything into context: "Though minister after minister told Mr. Obama he would be more credible if he joined a church, he was not a believer." more credible if he joined a church.......


His ENTIRE decision to join a church was purely, completely, absolutely a POLITICAL CALCULATION!

And when he made this absolutely ruthless Political calculation, a very important one in his life, as it turned out; he joined a "church" that at it's core is Anti-White and Anti-American!

I'd say that is pretty damning, if you ask me?

No Rick, you address a very important controversial subject, you just don't go far enough!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 14.03.2008 @ 22:51


Rick: I had to disagree with you twice in one day, especially since I haven't
been around in awhile, but this type of talk regardless of reason, is just plain nuts!

The moonbats on the Left, for even bringing it up, are just plain crazy and nuts.

But we already know that; you for even discussing that they even have a "point" in bringing it up, are just enabling those Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbags!

I don't like OBama, and I think he's a fraud.

But, he is a duly elected Senator of the United States, and for any idiot to even discuss his assassination, is an idiot.

Rick, this country if full of all kinds of Nutbags, especially Leftist Whackos;
please don't empower any of these freaking Nutbags, by giving them any ideas,
nor, empowering any of their crazy nonsense!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 25.02.2008 @ 17:38


Rick: it's been awhile...

anyway, in your haste to show your "fairness", etc., you are too hasty in your conclusions.

IF you knew the Muslim world like I do, and IF you knew about Obama's association with Radical Anti-Semitic/Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Palestinian's, literally since his college days, in addition to all the other stuff that other readers have posted above, I do not think that you would be so dismissive.

And, I politely suggest, before you dimiss the "secret Muslim" option out of hand, that you research this topic, which I personally have been warning the IC about for 17 years:

This is a Serious, and real Phenomenom, and we have ample evidence in this country that it is happing daily, here, already.

Just review Steve Emerson's and the Dallas Morning News' articles on the Holy Land Foundation Trial; Doug Farah's pieces on the Muslim Brotherhood and their connections to that fiasco; and then also Google "Hesham Islam", and Steven Coughlin, and I think you will be a bit more willing to accept, that we are on the cusp of some VERY bad things here, vis a vis Mr. Barrack HUSSEIN Obama!


Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 25.02.2008 @ 14:07


Rick: Hi, if you have a chance, check out this tidbit:

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 6.08.2007 @ 16:18


Your new approach to the Iraq War is perplexing to me Rick. And this comes from someone who greatly admires you, and your Blog.

It almost appears to me sometimes, as if most Bloggers decide to pick a position, and then defend it to the exclusion of all commonsense, evidence, etc.

There's no "big picture" now, no evidence will hinder your position you staked out a couple weeks ago on the war!

Interesting, to say the least!

It's taking an exceeding complex issue, and reducing it to a basic, pre-determined conclusion, and damn the facts, history, context, etc.


Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 30.07.2007 @ 15:34


Please drop by the Blog, read, post a comment, bookmark us, and have a Happy 4th of July.



Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 3.07.2007 @ 23:31


Pierre: I myself have thought of what you suggested before, and I do think, it needs to be added as a "possibility" to any Complete list!

Drongo: we have a tendancy to turn our enemy-du-jour into the 10ft Tall Invincible superman; we did it with the Germans, then the Soviets, and there has been a Media and Critic attempt to do it with Al Qaeda.

I say this because, the scenario you outline is very Machiavellian, and frankly, me personally, I don't think they are that smart, or that clever, to work that out in Advance!

Now, depending upon your personal "take" on the Iraq and/or Afghan Wars, it may be an unintended consequence AFTERWARDS, but I personally don't believe that they "planned" it!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 3.07.2007 @ 09:56

ed: we many never agree on the Iraq War, but your other comments are germane as well, and taken as you meant them.


Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 2.07.2007 @ 19:34

Also, Let me know if you have any more questions?

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 2.07.2007 @ 13:40

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