Comments Posted By Dale in Atlanta
Displaying 131 To 138 Of 138 Comments


Turnabout: CLEARLY, you are here as a Troll (hiding behind a pseudonym as well), and not a serious commentator nor analyst, otherwise you would categorically NOT even try to defend the absolutely despicable, anti-Semitic, self-hating, anti-American..... Noam Chomsky; who is truely one of the most despicable human beings in the Left's entire pantheon of anti-American "heroes".

You're comments are so laughable, as to be pitiful, frankly!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 4.08.2006 @ 07:15

Rick: Great piece, as always!

Isn't interesting, how it always comes back to the "Jews" and the "Jew-Haters"?

The Leftists, led by the likes of Cindy Sheehan, Ward Churchill, Cynthia McKinny, and even Mel Gibson (who is mischaracterized, because he's a radical Catholic, as a "conservative") are so anti-Semitic and hate Israel, deny the Holocust, etc.

They also, intimate, darkly, that the Neo-Con movement, which supposedly controls Bush, and started the Iraq War, is nothing but a Jewish Conspiracy (Feith, Pearlman, etc., are supposed to be all Jewish!)

Yet, the Bush Administrations fiercest critics, and most of the Bush-hating Liberal Leftist crowd, are Jewish, or come from Jewish "roots", themselves!:
Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, Al Franken, Jason Leopold, Johnn Kerry (roots); Madeline Albright (roots), ad naseum.

If one is to believe the propaganda from both sides, it would seem that the Bush Administration is caught in a "civil war", being waged by the Neo-Con "Jews" on one side, and the leftist Secular "Jews" in Hollywood and the Media, on the other!

What an interesting concept!

There may be some truth to it, in a way, and maybe buttressed by this interesting article from the Weekly Standard last week:

The bottomline is, however, Anti-Semitism is the rule of the day; and this comes from a completely securlized "Christian", such as myself!

The Jihadis, and in fact, most, if not all of the Arab/Muslim World are for the complete destruction of the Israeli state, because they are Anti-Semetic, pure and simple.

Leftist Dominated Europe, from the UK, to France, to German, to Russia, is Anti-Semetic, and has been for a thousand years!

The Leftist, secularized dominated "Hollywood"/MSM America, is Anti-Semetic, led interestingly enough, by the Leftist Securlized Jews such as Noam Chomsky,

Israel's only reliable ally, besides itself, is the Bush Administration, and it's supporters!

It's a scary world out there, and the dishonesty and hypocrasy of Anti-Semites everywhere, is frightening to see!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 3.08.2006 @ 09:12


Hello, I'm not a leftist, so I know that immediately makes me one of the less intelligent that inhabit our country, so could someone please explain to me the following?

IF, as the NY & LA Times maintain, in their latest pathetic CYA on the "bank-tapping" issue that they created, that "everybody knew about it...", even though they initially declared it to be a "...closely guarded secret...", then why did they need to publish it at all? Why did they feel the need to put it on Page One, above the fold, as NEWS?, if it was known by everyone?

I mean, if everyone "knew" about it, what's the point?

There are only two obvious answers, one) they wanted to make sure the Islamo-Jihadis didn't miss it the first time around; i.e. they've picked sides in this war, and it's not America's side!; and two) as we all know, it was intended to make a political statement against the Bush Administration!

Based upon their OWN arguments, there can be no other logical conclusions!

But then again, logic and facts, to Leftists and Liberals, are like Kryptonite to Superman!; they're fatal!!!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 3.07.2006 @ 13:17


Tano: I'm just trying to understand something about you from your posts:

were you just born stupid, or did you study real hard and practice alot?

Dale in Atlanta

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 23.06.2006 @ 07:37

PS: when I pissed off, I can't type straight, and leftists, who know crapola about anything, when they start posting as if they do, it really pisses me off...

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 22.06.2006 @ 13:09

Ah Steve Said, I love it when so called "experts" way in, especially with expertise they do not possess!

And your pet peeves are usless, especially since they're so wrong!

As a former Marine Intel Officer, I supposed I'll have to hear all the old "oxymoron" stuff later on, but I do know a little about Iraq, WMD's, etc.; having spent six weeks there, the first time around.

Pet Peeve #1: A "Dasiy Cutter" is NOT a WMD, whether it causes a "mushroom cloud" or not

Pet Peeve #2: Blister Agents ARE Mustard Agents! NO Difference, and the ARE WMD's!

Here's a little education for you:

And, the artcle that Santorum and them quoted, discussed Sarin (definitely a WMD) and Mustard Agents (also known as Blister Agents or Vesicants!), and they ARE WMD's!

So before you start pontificationg pet peeves from a position of ignorance, do a little reseach, and education yourself!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 22.06.2006 @ 13:07

Rick: Hi, sorry, am typing quickly; that's "constructed", and "Deulfer".

The link above, had an exceedingly important story on WMD's in Iraq, that of course has been ignored for over 2 years by the Jacobin MSM!


Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 22.06.2006 @ 08:28

Rick: very good analysis, and unfortunately, I think spot on. For anyone who's followed this war from the beginning, this is in fact, not new "news"; if I remember correctly, there was even an IED that was construted using several of these old mustard/sarin shells, and there was some low-level exposure to the troops who were bombed.

The real story, is the fact that the Dilfer report and the ISG incorrectly catagorized many hidden caches of cyclosarins and other chemicals found BURIED across Iraq by US troops as "pesticides" and immediately dismissed them as WMD's, thus drastically undercutting the Bush Adminstration, and the reason we went to war to begin.

But bottomline, your take is very reasoned and logical.

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 22.06.2006 @ 08:16

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