Comments Posted By Conservosnememis
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To try and diminish race as a cause of recent conservative craziness is to dodge the truth. If President Obama were not a black man, much of the recent outrage displayed by the right would not exist. The other reason for the craziness is The President has not been shy about filling his plate with the issues America needs to deal with to remain healthy. In case anybody has forgot(maybe not all will admit), the economic issues we face were brought on by the former White House occupants, who were doing exactly what the right wanted them to do. Bill Clinton did a good job of cleaning up Ronald Reagan's mess, now President Obama has a huge job of cleaning up the Bush mess. It is no secret Reagan was the hero of George W. Oh, what a pretty picture Conservo has left of his own house. What some of my fellow white people are so angry about is someone of a race they hate holds the highest office in the land. Too bad Conservo, if most of what you believe in wasn't so stale, tired, and outdated Sarah Palin might be a heart beat away from the oval office.

Comment Posted By Conservosnememis On 30.07.2009 @ 08:11

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