Comments Posted By Citizen DeWayne
Displaying 21 To 30 Of 31 Comments


K Street Project Goes to Langley

This in today's WSJ;

"The agency also has been drawn into a federal investigation of bribery that has sent former Rep. Randall "Duke" Cunningham to prison. Just this past week, the CIA confirmed that its third-ranking official, a hand-picked appointee of Mr. Goss, had attended poker games at a hospitality suite set up by a defense contractor implicated in the bribing of former Rep. Cunningham. Friday, people with knowledge of the continuing Cunningham inquiry said the CIA official, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, is under federal criminal investigation in connection with awarding agency contracts."

So here's how it goes down. Goss's head scratching promotion of Foggo to the #3 spot at the agency brings the culture of corruption right into national security headquarters. This explains everything, the abrupt resignation, the faux rationale leaked that Goss was at odds with Negroponte.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 6.05.2006 @ 12:52


Lefties Beat Children for "Lying Through Teeth" About Santa

Oh, the old "Santa Clause" defense. How pathetic! Come on Rick, this is a bit of a stretch even for you. The reason children talk about Santa as if he's real is because they don't know any better. When your a grown-up you don't talk like that. Rumsfeld is a grown-up--right?

"Rogue ex-CIA agent Ray McGovern"--(I have to give you credit for acknowledging he actually was a CIA agent, Brit Hume said he only "claimed" to be one.) Your saying he's a rouge for thinking the administration lied to us? Over half the country thinks that. Could you source for me where he advances the theory about gov. involvement in 9/11?

It's all Clinton's fault for not firing Reno. I see your staying true to the rightwing format.

"His ideas about a transformational military may prove to be inspired genius." I've heard it's one of the biggest boondoggles in military history.

"The American people made their determination about these “lies” in the election of 2004" Funny thing about the truth, it always comes out eventually.

Ok, enough picking on Rick. I read your whole piece wanting to see what you would say about my favorite part of the Rumsfeld vs McGovern clash and you didn't even mention it. It was where Rusfeld offers as proof that he didn't lie by the fact that the soldiers that lead the invasion of Iraq wore chem-suits because they believed there were weapons. Adding this bit of humor, "They didn't wear those because they liked the style." As if he had lied, the soldiers would have skipped the chem-suits.

Rusmsfeld should "swinging from a White Oak tree for treason."

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 5.05.2006 @ 18:12


Colbert didn't do anything disrespectful to Laura. If anything he handled her with kid gloves. His crack about not liking books was so obviously facetious it's hard to imagine what Rick was bitching about.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 3.05.2006 @ 20:56

The Truth Hurts

I must note this up front, Rick says: "Much of it was actually pretty funny."

Yeah it was Rick. Comedy is the one institution where ideological blinders are exposed so fully. Your remark, “'speaking truth to power.' I always have to scratch my head in wonderment over this little prevarication by the liberals," is evidence of that fact. Speaking truth to power is not a liberal prevarication, it is, rather, the essence of free speech in a democracy. The president is always the power, be he Republican or Democrat, and the fourth estate's duty is to make sure the president does not mislead the public or distort the truth. End of story.

Stop and think once. If there was a Democratic president that was condoning torture, running a gulag network, and illegally wire tapping American citizens you would be all over him. These things are as un-American as "Mother Land" and borscht.

Right-wingers like to say the 'liberal msm." I would rather characterize it as the 'corporate media' which is sensitive to profits, a punitive administration and (I know you'll flip when I say this) the PC rightwing.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 3.05.2006 @ 11:10


I conceed the point of your honesty. But the truth is, by the time I got done reading the post I had forgotten that fact.

Hey, maybe we could live without the insults?

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 1.05.2006 @ 12:31

Perfect, you've followed the rightwing format to the letter. Gotta problem with one of your own? Find a liberal with a similar problem and make the story about them. It's a big plus if you can make their sins much worse than your guy's. Next, attack the those reporting on the trouble for your guy. Then create a rational as to why there is no problem at all.

You didn't have to go back 45 years, however, to find a Texan with a big political scandal. I can't wait to see how you handle Tom DeLay's up coming indictment for selling your government to the highest bidder. DeLay, born again hypocrite, has put a good spin his announced resignation from congress, but the "hammer" is falling on one of the worst, if not the worst, political sandals in American history.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 1.05.2006 @ 10:40


If extraordinary rendition is such a good thing, why don't we just torture the terrorists right here in America? Oh, could it be that it would be even more criminal than it already is and no White House attorney in a thousand years let the holy trinity of Bush Rusmfeld and Cheney do it here.

I can't believe you guys are defending torturing people as a patriotic value...tisk-tisk-tisk

Aren't Saddam's torture chambers one of the lists of why we had to go to war?

BTW, they weren't all terrorists. Maher Arar was the first person to mount a civil suit challenging the U.S. government policy known as extraordinary rendition.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 24.04.2006 @ 16:44


If extraordinary rendition is such a good thing, why don't we just torture the terrorists right here in America? Oh, could it be that it would be even more criminal than it already is and no White House attorney in a thousand years let the holy trinity of Bush Rusmfeld and Cheney do it here.

I can't believe you guys are defending torturing people as a patriotic value...tisk-tisk-tisk

Aren't Saddam's torture chambers one of the lists of why we had to go to war?

BTW, they weren't all terrorists. Maher Arar was the first person to mount a civil suit challenging the U.S. government policy known as extraordinary rendition.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 24.04.2006 @ 16:37


The “question” of whether or not incompetence is an impeachable offense is ludicrous...

That may be true, but you have to admit it is a problem. If the country has an incompetent president, be he Republican or Democrat, some method of constraining the damage must be implemented. In the current situation you guys, the Republicans, have all the marbles--if there is to be any oversight or constraint of a runaway presidency the moral obligation rests on your shoulders. Democrats are virtually powerless.

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 20.04.2006 @ 09:39


You guys are amazing, you sit there telling us what a great military strategist Bush is when one prominent general after another is telling us that these guys are a bunch of screw-ups and that Rumsfeld should be fired. Anthony Zini says your genius administration ignored a decade of military planning for invading Iraq which took into account all of the terrible things that have happened to date.

Then you want us to believe that Sy Hersh is a wack-job making this stuff up, or is unwittingly being used. When Hersh reports every major news outlet in the world covers the story. We're not talking about Jason Blair here. Of course everyone knows that Rightwing Nuthouse is the place to get the straight story.

And you call us moonbats...

Comment Posted By Citizen DeWayne On 11.04.2006 @ 02:43

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