Comments Posted By CayuteKitt
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Rick Moran said:

"But I will continue to make the argument that yes indeed, there are some symbols and words that are just too offensive, too drenched with a history of repression and violence that the use of them in any context and regardless of intent is just plain wrong."

What this argument fails to allow for is the fact that as time passes subsequent generations tend to form and follow new trends in language.

The "black face", in the context used by Chris Muir, is today's generations' way of nailing the tag of "hypocrite" right to the target.

I'm sick of political correctness, which dredges up history from the rotting corpses that long ago should have turned to ashes. Who I am today, who we are today as a nation, is NOT defined by our history, but rather whether we have learned the lessons of that history and are actively growing and changing to incorporate the wisdom gleaned by past mistakes.

Putting people on a perpetual guilt trip simply because long ago generations were not sophisticated enough to recognize the destructive trends of their eras is foolish and self-defeating.

My ancestors were Vikings. And I was born and raised in Camden, New Jersey, into a very poor, very large white family. My neighbors were Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, Irish, on and on. We didn't have to deal with racial prejudices back then because we were too racially diverse. But we shared the common bond of being dirt poor.

Shall I tell you what kind of extremely destructive and hurtful prejudices exist against poor folk, especially poor white trash? I think not. Just like any other prejudice and hardship in life, it had to be overcome.

Rather than waste time running around like "thought police", I think you "politically correct" types would help things along much more effectively by comparing past and present, looking for the improvements that have been made, even small ones, and sharing that wisdom for all of us living in today's very complex world.

And give positive advice and offer growth-encouraging perspectives where appropriate, instead of having knee-jerk reactionary lynchings should someone slip up.

This -is- the 21st Century, after all.

Comment Posted By CayuteKitt On 27.04.2007 @ 23:27

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