Comments Posted By CDOR
Displaying 41 To 50 Of 110 Comments


Aw come on Mr. Stuck (where I don't even want to imagine), let's have the investigations, the depositions, the trials. Let's get it all out in the open. Just as Bush opened the door for this massive bailout mentality that your guys bull-rushed through, Obama has opened the door of recrimination. You just want an easy win. You want Bush to say he did it and mea culpa, mea culpa, he was so very wrong. I say, HELL NO. Let's find out in detail all of those involved. What were the circumstances? What information was gleaned, or not? Were American lives saved or not? Exactly who knew what and when did they know it? You don't get to lay down your moralistic hubris and then skate off into your land of make believe. Let all of the American people see and decide. Was all of this a worthless endeavor into sadistic paranoia or a real time and successful effort that saved lives without doing any physical or mental harm to even the most evil amongst us?

I am getting very curious now, aren't you?

Michael, I have nothing more to say to you.

Allen, thank you for serving. These pukes did indeed survive and they DID surrender.

Comment Posted By cdor On 25.04.2009 @ 18:14

For all you who knash your teeth, wring your hands, and wail in outrage at the malevolent treatment given to our "guests of honor" way back in 2002/2003, I say be very thankful that there are tough men working in the dark of night willing to forgoe the niceties of the comfortable homes from which we type these words.

Now you have your way. The tough men have been sent home to their own living rooms where they now can comfortably contemplate their successes over the past seven years. It's your turn, your guy is in charge. The danger has not waned. I pray that your approach works as well or better. If it doesn't, the consequences we all will suffer will be grim. And if that horror comes to pass, I for one, and many more like me, will not forget those who sought to reward success with punishment. The worm does indeed turn.

To the one here who, as a liberal Democrat, is always quick to give advice on what Republicans need to do to win elections and what the real and true conservative position should be on any given issue, well, I don't take council from those that wish my demise.

Are you listening, Michael Reynolds?

Comment Posted By cdor On 25.04.2009 @ 16:42

For clarification before discussion, the link to the treaty posted here indicates that the U.S. signed, but didn't ratify this treaty. I assume there is something more current?

Comment Posted By cdor On 25.04.2009 @ 11:03


It seems to me that if Clinton hadn't lied under oath he wouldn't have been impeached, blow job or no blow job.

If Cheney lied under oath, he should have been impeached as well, although it's a little late for impeachment. You and your ilk, Mr Reynolds, want to prosecute Cheney for "conspiring" with the POTUS legal team to determine how far interrogators could go legally, but forcefully, to extract information from killers determined to murder thousands of Americans. If conspiring with a team of lawyers to determine a legal course of action is illegal, we can expect the courts to be busy for years to come.

Mr Reynolds, bring it on, tough guy, The depositions will be fascinating.

Speaking of blow jobs...I thought this post was about outrageously rude and in your face gays. That certainly isn't Cheney. I'll let you defend your man, Clinton.

Comment Posted By cdor On 24.04.2009 @ 22:20

Who are these gay Republican politicians? I want to send them some money for their next campaign...if they are conservatives.

Comment Posted By cdor On 24.04.2009 @ 16:59


Gee whiz bs, please forgive me. I haven't yet completed my training in Statist re-education. I still am under the impression that the general definition of all things that are not specifically illegal is that they are, well, they are LEGAL.

I'll have to return for my second course.

Comment Posted By cdor On 24.04.2009 @ 06:00

Michael Reynolds, I really hate to go here, but you are truly a contemptible fool. Die with your own sense of honor if you must. That is your priviledge. Just do not expect and demand that others go with you. To castigate and prosecute those doing everything they could to save your bacon...honestly, I am at a loss for words.

Comment Posted By cdor On 23.04.2009 @ 22:29

If torture is as effective as Former Veep Cheney claims at saving innocent American lives, why not Legalize Torture explicitly as a matter of U.S law? It would make America safe and it would protect the practitioners of torture from the possibility of prosecution.

Well. I don't know bs. Are the coercion techniques used on these murderous gruels torture? When given the opportunity, why didn't congress outlaw the specific techniques used? Do you think, just maybe, that protecting the "practitioners" as you call these patriot warriors defending America, was exactly what the legal team, now scoriated by Czar Obama, attempting to do?

Comment Posted By cdor On 23.04.2009 @ 22:10

Former Veep Cheney claims that the redacted parts of these memos that Czar in Chief (in charge of all of the czardines) Barack Obama has released, actually state that the information gleaned from interrogating coercively men captured during the course of defending this country from enemies who have stated publicly their desire to destroy this country and have actually successfully attacked and killed 3000 American and other innocent people, uncovered and stopped further attemps to kill thousands more people.

I, for one, believe this might be slightly relavent. Not that I believe anyone elected and sworn in, under oath, as POTUS, would ever attempt to prosecute patriots who, in a previous administration, saved thousands more American lives without even causing so much as a skin rash to the totally diabolical perpetrators of a massive death provoking attack, even if they didn't uncover and prevent further attacks. Call me curious. Why was the only info released that which could actually help our sworn enemies prepare defences against us and not info that could gird the American loin against said enemies?

Oh, excuse me, this would never be done by a POTUS duly elected and sworn to office by the citizens of the greatest country mankind has known. So Gelda Rattner would say, "Never mind."

But, just in case something extraordinary happened, and the citizens did elect such a scurrilous person to be their LEADER (Czar in Chief), we should not forget that the previous administration did include ALL of the relavent members of the Czars very own group in the decisions to perform these coersive interrogations. And guess what? All of the current CIC's buddies said, yea, go for it!

Well, all I can say is that it is obvious, no Czar in his right mind (that didn't want to damage his own country's ability to defend itself) would ever perform such perfidy.

Comment Posted By cdor On 23.04.2009 @ 20:51

CZ, record the show and fast forward through the few insignificant seconds of Garafolo.

Comment Posted By cdor On 23.04.2009 @ 16:48

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