Comments Posted By CDOR
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 110 Comments


Nagarajan, very nicely stated."There is no such thing as good faith in politics. One side tries to win a decisive victory over the other. The Left is very close to doing it. The New Deal was the beginning of this permamnent victory."
The Left understands this.So called moderates, like Frum, don't have a clue. He'll still be criticizing Levin for his uncomfortable harshness, "Be nice, Mark! Be civil", as the steamroller of the left flattens and grinds Frum, Moran, and all the rest of us who haven't sucked up into the government elite (Levin's Statists) right into the dustbin of history. We'll all be walking around like zombies wondering where will come our next government hand out.

Busboy, I have no idea if you are a racist, I doubt you are, and really don't care. I was merely highlighting some of the absurd comments, generalizations, and presumptuous statements about conservatives posted herein. We all, every last one of us, have prejudices. It is the process of going from a blank slate (our DNA even disallows that) in the womb, to becoming the individuals we all are as adults. Only a blind person can look at a Negro or a Caucasion and not immediately register, if even subconciously, the color of that person's skin. We can't get past it if we don't, at first, accept it.

Manning, what is one to do? At some point if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks, well then...I think we got ourselves a duck.

Comment Posted By cdor On 31.07.2009 @ 06:26

busboy33 says, " No recent President has taken over during such a craptacular economy combined with two seperate wars. Wow — Obama has reachesd 50% of Bush’s greatness in only 6 months."


busboy33 must be a racist because I perceive him to be so. Hey busboy, prove to me you're not a racist.

Comment Posted By cdor On 30.07.2009 @ 20:51

And here is a super example of official Democratic racism from the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Please follow the link as it is a pdf file and cannot be pasted:

Comment Posted By cdor On 30.07.2009 @ 12:58

Democrats are racist pigs that hate all minorities and all skin colors, including themselves.

There, I said it because it had to be said. Prove me wrong.

Comment Posted By cdor On 30.07.2009 @ 12:39

Let's see, what was it Reagan said, Rick? Oh yea, "There you go again." It's been almost a week since you posted a criticism of conservatives. What happened, did you run out of ex-lax?

Right on Gregg and obamathered. David Frum, the moderate, the great nothing, helped elect the most liberal POTUS in this country's history. Yep, that's a winning tactic (you sure can't call it a philosophy).

Never give up, never give in. That's the only way to win. Did you ever read Liberty and Tyranny, Rick? It's sold 900000 hard cover books. It lays out the foundations of conservatism and, in Levin's words, statism. Where is your review of the most popular and important (my view) political book in decades? Why are you so afraid of a no holds barred, take no prisoners conservative?

David Frum is a schmuck. I, for one, would never be caught with my lips planted on his hindside.

Comment Posted By cdor On 29.07.2009 @ 17:26


funny man Said:
1:42 pm

Cdor said:
Negro males equal 6& of the population but kill LEO’s at a rate 61/2 times their percentage of population.
Choice of words

AND EXACTLY WHICH WORDS IN THAT STATEMENT OFFENDS YOU, OH RIGHTEOUS ONE? From my perspective, the fact that Law Enforcement Officers are being killed is offensive.

(6& is a typo that should have read 6%)

Comment Posted By cdor On 28.07.2009 @ 20:29

52funny man Said:
12:04 pm

it’s obvious you and rssg,js and whatever other pseudonyms have a problem with other races. Being against certain aspects of PC doesn’t mean you going on calling people names. Michael Reynolds is a liberal and I’m a conservative so we disagree on the role of the government and taxes but not on treating other people with respect. I wasn’t even talking about this incident.


funny guy Said: “look at the tone of #37 and you know he is racist.”


You may be a conservative (as am I) funny man, but this converstion makes me believe you are one strange dude.

Comment Posted By cdor On 28.07.2009 @ 12:51

Actually, the end of racism happens when anyone is comfortable treating a person of any skin color like an asshole when that person is behaving like an asshole. The cop went to the jerks house to protect him and his property. What does the cop get for putting his life at risk? He gets to listen to some arrogant POS call out his mama and call him a racist. Then he gets to hear POTUS call him a stupid actor on national primetime TV. Then he gets to read all of the PC crap from idiots like Michael and funny man. If I am the cop, or any of the other cops, the next time a call comes in for 17 Ware street, you can bet I am driving really really slow. Add to that, if I am a burglar, I now know that the race pimp Gates makes a pretty nice income. He just might have some cool stuff lyin' around that place with the door that won't lock and the address the cops will avoid. Sometimes there is justice in life.

Comment Posted By cdor On 28.07.2009 @ 11:29

This exerpt from Iowahawk. You really must read the whole article Mr Funny. I will link to it below. If you left click on the highlighted portion, you should be able to read the whole article. The narrative is from a gentleman who is in charge of the School of Harvard Faculty Asshole Studies as he describes a horrifying experience of having to commingle with the lowbrow...

"Case in point: last winter I was slated to deliver the keynote address for an intradepartmental asshole colloquium at Lowell House. Running late, I temporarily parked along Plympton. As I emerged from my Audi, I discovered that I had captured the unwelcome attention of a CPD officer. "Hey Buddy, is that your car?" he barked.

"Why? Because I'm a Harvard faculty asshole in America?" I cleverly retorted.

"No asshole, because this is a snow route and you can't double park here," he sneered, concocting a flimsy excuse for his continued harassment. "You have to move it now."

"That's Professor Asshole to you, you fascist townie," I explained, tossing him the Audi's remote-start key. "Need a valet? Call your mother at the brothel."

It doesn't take an experienced asshole rights activist to tell you what happened next: my Audi was on its way to impound while I rode to the Cambridge Police Station in the unheated vinyl rear seat of Bull Conner's squad car. To add insult to injury, the desk officer refused my request for a dignified background bookshelf for my booking photos.

Thankfully the Constitution still allows even Harvard Assholes a bare modicum of human rights, so I used my allotted phone call to alert the Dean and the Faculty Grievance Committee to my plight. In those 35 excruciating minutes I wasted away waiting in that stark cell, I wrote the opening chapter of "Letters From a Cambridge Jail," my forthcoming scholarly magnum opus on the grim legacy of Asshole oppression in America.

Comment Posted By cdor On 28.07.2009 @ 08:09

funny guy Said: "look at the tone of #37 and you know he is racist."

Uh, would that be me who you are calling names based on some "tone" that seems to be ringing in your little head?
You are not very funny, but you are pretty darn strange.

Comment Posted By cdor On 28.07.2009 @ 06:58

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