Comments Posted By Barry
Displaying 41 To 50 Of 61 Comments


I also wonder about Henderson's ultimate demise. Will that blaze of glory involve trying to take out Logan? In the final(?) scene, will Martha kill hubby with his own weapon? Will she take a bullet for Aaron? Aaron take a bullet for her? Will the missing threesome of Wayne Palmer, Martha's ex-asst. & tape smuggler & daughter reappear? Last we heard, weren't they headed for CTU hqs?

Comment Posted By Barry On 16.05.2006 @ 14:51

Just one more thing... if martial law is still in force, how did Bierko's gang plant the IED that took out the CTU van unimpeded & unobserved? Why didn't military personnel converge quickly on the ambush site? If military units were alerted by that ambush, how did Bierko & Co. proceed unhindered to the sub? GW, how can the fact, the threat of MIRVed missiles destroying a dozen cities be considered a decoy? For what? We presume the missiles will not be launched. What are their targets? If Bierko is working for Mr. Big, could it be that those targets might replicate those of 9/11 so that Mr. B & Co. can reap the benefits of the ensuing chaos?

Comment Posted By Barry On 16.05.2006 @ 12:23

Make that "one helluva finale." See you all there.

Comment Posted By Barry On 16.05.2006 @ 10:53

As always with me - questions. In the past, whenever CTU cut deals with evil ones a pres. OK was required; the evil one demanded it. Why not this time? Of course Logan wanting Henderson Out There, would have quickly approved it. How did Bierko & Co. board the sub so easily? Did B. have a Let This Terrorist Gang Get Aboard Unimpeded Pass from Mr. Big? Methinks post 9/11 security around subs w/MIRVed missiles, whether US or visiting Russkies, would be tight. Wasn't Martha supposed to be in a guarded room? How did she get out to wonder around? And I thought Heller had heard enough of the tape so that he could be offer credible witness to Logan's perfidy. Why wasn't he called in to testify to same before the Atty Gen et al? Where is the Veep hiding? will he become part of the Good Guy Posse - Martha, Aaron, Novik- who will help corral Logan in the finale? It is going to one hellua finale, that's for sure.

Comment Posted By Barry On 16.05.2006 @ 10:52


Martha was watching the televised memorial to assassinated Pres. David Palmer.

Comment Posted By Barry On 16.05.2006 @ 08:21


Sorry, folks, I forgot my Main Question: if the incriminating tape was the MIT, Most Important Thing, why wasn't Chloe in a room surrounded by armed guards with a Nobody Gets In Without Authorization standing order?

Comment Posted By Barry On 9.05.2006 @ 09:28

Each episode prompts further questions: whatever happened to Wayne Palmer, the wounded gal (vital tape retriever) & her daughter? We assume they're at CTU. Where has the Veep been hiding? Will Aaron re-surface for the 2 hr. finale? Was I the only one who forgot Bierko was being held at CTU? How did Bierko's terrorist buddy end up driving the CTU van? How many more of those evil ones are out there? Are they loyal to Henderson(H) or to Mr. Big? If they are still linked with H, will they spring him from CTU? Will Miles aid in H's escape? Will Audrey be killed in that fray? Here's hoping Miles is. With the tape probably destroyed, how will H ensure his survival? Did he have time to make a copy? Does H know of Mr. Big's existence? Will Mr. Big manipulate Logan & H so that they kill each other, or arrange for a dual elimination? I don't believe Logan would have killed himself. His is the heart of a chickenshit, but his wife would gladly pull that trigger. Thought for sure we'd learn more about Mr. Big, but no, not yet.

Comment Posted By Barry On 9.05.2006 @ 09:20


If you would read the whole transcript of the conversation were you make the claim Rumsfeld lied, you would find that the conversation makes it clear Rumsfeld believed they would find the WMD in the mentioned sites. He is also clear on a simple fact: they (WMD) might have been removed, as there was photographic evidence of possible removal. There is no lie here. Perhaps Rumsfeld, along with every credible intelligenc agency on earth, was wrong. Being wrong is not a lie.

Comment Posted By Barry On 5.05.2006 @ 22:43


When you try to figure what's happening on 24,
Navigating through treachery, geeks and gore.
That Jack doesn't eat, sleep or go to the john,
Musn't sidetrack you; you must push on.
Plots twists will threaten to come to grief,
And test your willing suspension of disbelief.
The talented writers are a dramatic blessing,
Who keep us all forever guessing.
No matter how grim it gets we ultimately grin,
Because we know the good guys will win.

Comment Posted By Barry On 2.05.2006 @ 18:38


Ah yes, who is Mr. Big? And where is he? Any connection between him & Henderson? Did Heller jump out of the car before it went over the cliff? Get out before he drowned? Did you notice the Union Jack on that VIP limo that pulled up to the diplo-jet? That mean anything? Given all he security around that plane & other personnel, I thought it amazing that Jack needed only to pull the hood over his head to become invisible. Probably a special CTU-issue cloaking device. Did Aaron realize he was compromised before his meet with 1st Lady & get the hell outa there? Gotta love it.

Comment Posted By Barry On 25.04.2006 @ 08:50

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