Comments Posted By Bald Ninja
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But no one dare call the media left wing.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 16.06.2009 @ 09:35



Thanks =)

I'll email my mom this web page and she can print it out and put it on her fridge!

However I do think that social cons (like me) who aren't anti-science need to do a much better job of speaking up and distancing ourselves from the satan-science social cons. Maybe there are fewer social cons like me than I think but I hope not.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 15.05.2009 @ 09:11


"Yeah, well, eight years of massive expansion of government power and debt under the Republicans tends to numb you to that sort of thing."

I'm with you on this one - Bush did a horrible job in this regard. But you still didn't explain how it's ok for liberals to use the threat of impending natural disasters to expand government. Just saying 'Republicans did it first but not as well' isn't really an argument.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 14.05.2009 @ 17:21


"But on that note, what is the liberal agenda? As far as I can tell, it is to make sure that the activities of human beings don’t impact the earths climate in a way that would be detrimental towards humans both now and in the future. Obviously you perceive this to be a bad thing, but I’m at a loss to understand how."

I guess you missed my statement that it's curious how every solution to the impending climate disaster is perfectly in line with liberal ideology or is a complete scam perpetrated by a liberal? Carbon credits? Cap and Trade? Massive taxation?

I never said the choice was between social cons who hate science and liberals who twist it - I was pointing out the disparity in how the media portrays these things and apparently how you perceive it.

As to your evidence that not only are most social cons anti-science but that to be anti-science is the definition of anti-science - let me apply your exact logic to other scenarios (none of which I believe but this is just to illustrate how ridiculous your claim is):

* Most gay people wear leather thongs and a gag-ball. I've seen the pictures of some big parade in San Franciso.

* Most Muslims are all for stoning homosexuals - I've seen video and heard reports of it!

* Most atheists have a desire to create a totalitarian regime under which they will ban religion and anything else they consider to be unreasonable - like free markets and capitalism

If any idiot from whatever 'group' who happens to get media attention by doing something idiotic can be used as iconic and representative of that group then there is no end to the disgusting stereotypes that can be rationalized as accurate.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 14.05.2009 @ 17:19


I see you have so much evidence to prove that social cons are science haters that you decided to attack my intelligence rather than provide the evidence.

Some socials cons are young-earthers who don't want the satan science taught to their children - ok, I agree they are out there and some of them are vocal. So what? Are most social cons this way? Who knows.

But when liberals warp science (e.g., global warming) to push their agenda (strange how all the 'solutions' to global warming fit well into the liberal ideology of how we can also solve every social ill) they don't get labelled as anti-science. At least the satan-science-conservative is in clear opposition to certain disciplines of science - the liberals try to subvert and pervert it to meet their ends. You tell me which is more damaging to science in the long run?

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 14.05.2009 @ 08:04

What evidence does anyone have that social conservatives are anti-science? I know it's the stereotype and you can find anecdotal evidence on teh internetz of teh soc con who thinks the world was created in 6 days...but does anyone have any actual evidence that social conservatives are anti-science?

I'm a social conservative and I live in a state with a lot of social conservatives but my state is definitely not anti-science. This is anecdotal evidence as well but it's why I wonder why people equate social con with knuckle-dragging neanderthal.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 12.05.2009 @ 14:10


I think the current 'downfall' of the GOP has been misplaced on the GOP losing moderates: the GOP is losing conservatives. The GOP governed as Democrats light and the base - socially or fiscally conservative - are unhappy with them.

Chuck Tuscon,

Question for you: you say that it's not even remotely the case that Democrats are more closed to moderate ideas than Republicans - why? As near as I can see the Democrats are at least as dogmatic as the Republicans - if not more so. Democrats don't take kindly to pro-life folks, 'traditional marriage' proponents, etc. You say you are 'independent' but what views do you share with conservatives (note, I'm referring to conservatives and not Republicans)? Are you basing you're judgement about which party is more open-minded on your on-line/comment experiences?

I'm not convinced that there is a 'moderate' thinking/voting bloc. The term moderate us usually pulled out of the closet whenever there is a need to portray the Republican party as too right-wing or not tolerant enough but it seems to usually be a farce. A lot, if not most, conservative ideas are popular enough to create a solid and winning base but Republicans tend to abandon them when they get into power.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 4.05.2009 @ 15:53



"sometimes I think there may be a God and He helped destroy the Republican party by forever tying them to the Christian Right."

Thanks for proving my point.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 26.02.2009 @ 09:12

"This is really getting on my nerves. Just because the dems are “arrogant” why should conservatives be?

Boggles the mind…


I won't defend arrogance on the part of conservatives. I think part of the issue is one of pure perception - it is NOT true that conservatives are arrogant and liberals are not but that is the perception of some people. I think anyone who would claim that conservatives are the predominantly arrogant ones is seeing things through an already biased lense. Liberals and conservatives both think they are right and I suppose this could be interpreted as arrogance. The one thing liberals do have going for them which helps how they are perceived is that they preach tolerance (though they rarely actually practice it) and like to pretend they are open and broad minded and a wide open tent. Young people tend to fall for this lie.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 26.02.2009 @ 09:00


'Once a bank or individual chooses to take welfare or food stamps “We the people” have a right and an obligation to oversee what they do with that welfare payment.'

This is the best argument I've heard for never having socialized medicine.

Comment Posted By Bald Ninja On 13.02.2009 @ 17:47

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