Comments Posted By Badge 2211
Displaying 21 To 30 Of 34 Comments


The killing of Zarqawi is great news and I have a different take than Rick does about its effect on the insurgency.

Was it just a coincidence that 600 Sunni prisoners were released just a day before? Was it also a coincidence that right after the disposal of that Zarqawi trash can that the three most important slots after PM were filled (Interior, Defense and National Security)?

I think not. This could very well be the tipping point in the war against the Sunni insurgency aided and abetted by the demise of Zman and a political resolution to what was becoming a dangerous and bloody deadlock for the duly elected Iraqi government.

Ahmadinejad and his agents in Iraq could suddenly find themselves with the klieg lights pointed solely upon them.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 8.06.2006 @ 07:54


Hear. Hear.

Only one thing left to do, watch or listen to President Reagan's 40th D-Day Anniversary speech delivered 6 June 1984 in Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy, France.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 6.06.2006 @ 10:37


You know, I've got that jones for the Nuthouse.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 3.06.2006 @ 10:35

I'm down.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 2.06.2006 @ 09:43


Y’know Rick, I’ve been trying to come up with a good word to describe one of your great pathologies – one you share with so many others who share your views

Its always – the “left” thinks this, the “left” wants that, the “left” blah blah blah. And then it comes down to – one person. Usually someone obscure. Are you just incapable of dealing with the diversity and individuality of human beings? I mean, we all come with names, so it shouldnt be that hard. ?

You misuse the word pathology when you apply it to Rick when he makes general observations. In this case, a “great pathology” would be a life threatening medical condition. On the other hand, it is entirely appropriate to use “great pathology” properly, just use it correctly, say as it applies to Leftism.

You’ve shared with us today the views of one Ms. Eskow. Personally, I never heard of her. I am sure some people agree with her. Others dont. Others sorta do, sorta dont. Why not address her as what she is? One person with an opinion. Is it that people of your ilk are so wrapped up in the project of being ideologically pure that you cant wrap your mind around the concept of people having uniques opinions?

In all this contorted nonsense, you still manage not to personally disavow your own self from Eskow.

Ms. Eskow speaks for no one but herself, and of all people, it aint you that gets to appoint someone as the spokesperson of “the left”. ?

Ah, to the crux of the dilemma. So now we can’t comment on a writer’s post on a heavily trafficked left metablog because we haven’t properly determined her pedigree as a spokeswoman. Well, the Left ain’t the AKC so we will just go with the usual practice of commenting on any blogpost in anyway we see fit. Its there to make a statement and neither side has the ability to quantify its support, just the ability to make use of it as wont without so much as an as you please, to you. But if there is some sort of sign of who is a bona fide spokesperson, say the bestowal of the “absolute moral authority” merit badge as determined by the inestimable MoDo, do let us know.

Do you really think anyone takes you seriously when you try to do so?

You keep coming back to contribute your opinions in a serious manner, question answered.

Can’t quite come up with the right word for this tactic. Lets just call it – stupid.

Be careful with sharp adjectives, you might hurt yourself.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 2.06.2006 @ 12:01

Rick says:

And this begs the question; how “right” are you in the first place when you have to actively work to bend history to your will in order for the result to play out according to your prognostications? Does the left seriously believe that they have not undermined the war effort by their words and actions? Are they so myopically stupid that they can’t understand that these words and actions have given enormous comfort and encouragement to the enemy?


Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 2.06.2006 @ 00:38


Tano says:

Trying to prevent them from peaceful nuclear technology is laughable, and a non-starter. There may well be reason for concern as to what it may lead to, and thus there may be reason for us to negotiate an agreement with them that entails having them voluntarily forgo that track, but there is no way we can force them to do so.

We can, however, force them not to develop nuclear weapons. That is the only valid red line that we are in any legal or practical position to enforce. And it has been rather foolish of us to try to hold the line on the no-enrichment red line.

Most of the world, on the other hand, could fully understand our concerns about nuclear weapons in Iran, and perhaps the Iranian people as well would prefer not to see their own government with such weapons. Holding a firm line against WEAPONS is a rational policy. Building a red line against enrichment is foolish, and self-defeating.

While you have shown contradictions or to be generous, lets just say progressions, you stake the Iranian right to pursue its nuclear program because its peaceful but if it be for weapons, you say we hold firm on Weapons.

How about Iran's violations of its NPT obligations, might this be a clue?

I wonder, is it possible that Iran's concurrent nuclear-capable missle production and a very rapid program of acquiring and refining missles of ever greater sophistication and target range (Shehab-4, Shehab-5, Shehab-6), might this be a clue?

How about Iran in full view and worldwide proclaiming: "We will crush America under our feet" and "Israel must be wiped off the map," might this be another clue?

This could go to even more clues, right down the line. They sure have me convinced that your idea of "peaceful" doesn't exist in either Iranian word or deed.

I think too much is made of Amahdinejad's craziness. Of course his rhetoric is loony, but I don't really see him acting irrationally so far. He is aggressivly pushing Iranian interests on this issue - which is a highly rational thing to do, from the perspective of an Iranian government. If he had been pliable, and "rational", he would simply have acceeded to our concerns and abandonded his nuclear program. What would be the benefit to Iran of that? Hell, he wouldnt even get a "safe" reactor out of the deal if he didn't play tough to some extent.

Besides what Ahmadinejad said in the above sourced links, does also being a Holocaust Denier kind of help along?

How about Ahmadinejad's mystical experience at the UN? Perhaps a hint of craziness, yet?

How about Ahmadinejad's Da'wa to President Bush and another to be sent to Pope Benedict?

Then there is Ahmadinejad's "Divine mission" and the imminent coming of the 12th or Hidden Imam. If not crazy, then certainly an absolute messianic. I prefer crazy.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 1.06.2006 @ 11:00


Hugh sez:

An intelligent, insightful response. Thank you. What are you? 12?

You’re welcome. I am a rightwinger, silly you. You want to know my age? Why, are you trolling for dates?

If so, have you met chef or Gregdn? You know, they throw one helluva Feast of Hitler and the Mufti. Maybe you can mix and mingle.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 30.05.2006 @ 16:47

Hugh sez:

Rush to judment? Kinda like the "detainees" at Guantanamo?? How many have been charged with anything?? You righties are hysterically funny in your double speak,and your hypocrisy.

We would rather like to release the terrorist scum from Gitmo but our Adopt-A-Terrorist program hasn't been faring too well. Perhaps you can actually be the first in something and step right up and volunteer yourself (if your Mom doesn't mind another freeloader in the house). No worries for you though. As we have plainly seen with the fearless and like totally innocent Zacharias Moussawi, the bravado lasts a measly 24 hours after sentencing. Then its bitch city and a veil of tears.

As far as being "hysterically funny," there is vacuum there, you know? You took all the comedians and made them into your Pontiffs of Knowledge and Enlightenment. No wait, Bill Maher was never funny and you would know that if you made it into long pants.

Oh yeah, we do have an acquired skill that you lefties never master. Its called reading comprehension. And, we spell gud two,.?!

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 30.05.2006 @ 13:12

First its chef then its Gregdn, I guess some of that mullah love is infectious.

You know there is a history of American fighting men altering the ROE depending on how the enemy fights and treats POWs. It was the Japanese that disregarded all Geneva conventions and everybody knew it from the Bataan Death March to the torture and execution of Doolittle's raiders. We didn't take Jap prisoners. After Malmedy, ditto for the Nazis.

Since My Lai is being thrown around, we should at least understand that as brutal as that was, it was the brutality of the inhabitants of that village that brought their calamity on their heads. Lt. Calley and his men had been torn apart from that same My Lai village previously (where after the ambush was finished there were only the inhabitants of My Lai in presence) and another time around was more than enough. In an environment where a mamasan with a baby carriage could more than likely spell IED than baby, where the Viet Cong combatants were of any age, either sex and none in uniform you have a situation where there are no Conventions that are in order and its protections are null and void. That is why the Army's prosecution of Calley and his men was so deleterious and had to basically be forced upon it by the media and the oh so brave and precious "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh is Gonna Win" contingent of unwashed Left.

I don't know what happened at Haditha, but the only cogent fact that I will consider before trial is that this unit had two- and three-tour Marines in it. I'll worry whether they come home alive before I'll consider the welfare of any Iraqi.

Perhaps Hugh Fitzgerald was right a day or two ago when he wrote that our warfighters are sick and tired of the PC way to fight this war and have come to believe that the war is just but the Iraqi people are not. Once again, soldiers and Marines know that captivity means torture and beheading and must make their brothers promise not to allow that to happen. Again, no uniforms, either sex or any age.

Besmirch and defile before charges are even filed by the secretary spreads is so '68. But without the sex, drugs and the Dixie Chicks, er, rock 'n roll. Oh and the bravery of it all!

I agree with the war on terrorists and terror supporting states but have been wavering on the democracy project.

Comment Posted By Badge 2211 On 29.05.2006 @ 13:42

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