Comments Posted By B.Poster
Displaying 371 To 380 Of 397 Comments



You are correct we have all been played, however it is not as you seem to think. It is the main stream media who has played us. Unfortunately the Bush administration is to clumsy to fight back. Rumsfeld had a golden opportunity to point out the intellegence failures and also to point out there is still alot we don't know about Saddam's WMD. There is some evidence it may have been transferred to Syria. You are right we should all be banding together. We should be banding together to defeat the terrorists not fighting among ourselves. The terrorists we are fighting in Iraq right now represent a survival threat to Americans every where.

"Me" says it best when he points out the terrorists are trying to impose their brand of Islam on the globe. This is who we fight in Iraq. Saddam actively supported these people even during the Clinton years. Not only are these people trying to enslave us, they are capable of doing it. The threat is far deeper than Islamic Extremists. It goes all the way to Russia and China, who are the biggest supporters of the terrorist states. We must take this enemy seriously and stop fighting among ourselves or they will destroy us.

Btw, the "cult of Bush" to leftist seems to mean anyone who thinks we should meet the terrorists with a strong response and who believes that Iraq is a central front in this war. I do not think Bush is a good president. i wish we had someone else but anyone who does not recognize the Islamic extremists for the danger they are is not someone I can trust to lead. At least president Bush, for all his flaws, is trying to defend America. The Left, it seems they would rather vilify the man they hate, even if means enabling those who want to over throw America. Its not hard to understand why Russia and China would support these people. The terrorists and the Marxists have the same goal in mind. This goal is world domination, as such it means they must destroy and/or enslave America. They are fully capable of realizing this goal. This threat has to be taken seriously. A diplomatic solution can only be achieved if they give up their goal of world domination and agree to respect America.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 5.05.2006 @ 17:16


It is well known that Al Qaeda and the former Iraqi regime actively worked together on projects especially weapons of mass destruction. At least it used to be well known until the massive efforts undertaken by the main stream media to suppress the relevant information. This does not mean that the invasion of Iraq was necessarily a sound decision strategically. It could be argued that while Iraq and Al Qaeda actively worked together the level of cooperation did not rise to the level to justify the removal of the Iraqi government. The fact that the media has not tried to take this stand indicates they probably think they will lose this argument, therefore, they have instead opted for the various "Bush lied" diatribes.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 5.05.2006 @ 15:41

You're right. Excellent analysis. Rumsfeld did not need to lie about this. Clearly the WMD are not "there." At least they are not where we thought they would be. The VIPs are part of the CIA. The CIA failed us here. Rumsfeld did not have to lie. He should have simply pointed out we had an intellegence failure and referred to the number of reports that elaborate on the unanswered questions about what was transferred to Syria prior to the war. In Syria, is where you may find Saddam's WMD stockpiles. Perhaps not but those questions need to be answered before we can assume the stockpiles did not exist.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 5.05.2006 @ 08:54


In most places in the world, if one leaks classified information that damages national security one would get sent to prison or executed. In the US if you leak classified information that damages national security you get a pulitzer prize for publishing and the leaker gets heaps of praise poured on them by the media. Has there ever been a country such as this? I think not.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 26.04.2006 @ 10:21


The msm has been very clever at separating Iraq from the broader on terrorism. They have been so successful at this that those who get their information strictl from the msm have no idea what is going on. Iraq is the central front in the war right now. Russia and China are using the terrorists as their proxies in their war against the United States. Russia and China are the enemies behind our Islamic Extremists terrorists enemies. We need to understand that failure in Iraq will mean we lose the war against the terrorists and their marxists allies. If we lose in Iraq the terrorists and their marxist allies will take over. Yhry will use this as a base to plan more attacks against the United States and to take over more middle eastern countries. They already control Iran and Syria. They will use Iraq as a base to take more middle eastern nations. From there they will move onto Europe and finally to America itself. Failure in Iraq would be a "waterloo" of sorts from which America would likley never recover. It would be only a matter of time before Islamic Extremists and their Marxists allies would take over America itself. We need to understand the following: 1.) Success in Iraq, which means setting up and maintaining a goverment in Iraq that will be an ally in the war against the Islamic Extremist/Marxist alliance or at the very least a government that will not support the terrorists and their marxists allies, is mission critical to America's survival. If we withdraw now the terrorists and their marxist allies will take over very quickly and America's continued survival as a free country would be very short indeed. 2.)Russia and China are the enemy behind our terrorist enemies. Without the unyielding support of those two countries the terrorists would have only a fraction of the power they currently have. The kid glove treatment currently being extended to Russia and China must end. I think it is time to call these two countries on the carpet and expose their treachery. Russia with its highly advanced nuclear arsenal and its support of every terrorist under the sun makes it America's single most dangerous enemy.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 2.04.2006 @ 12:02


I have long said Russia is America's greatest enemy. As I have said this, I have been laughed at repeatedly by many people. Russia was the biggest supporter of the Saddam regime, is the biggest supporter of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, China, and the Palestinian Authority. None of these countries would be any thing close to what they are today without Russia's support. In other words, Russia is the enemy behind every important enemy of the US. Not only has Russia done all of this, they also have largest nuclear arsenal in the world, along with a large number of ICBMs. While all of this has been going on, most Americans have thought of Russia as our friend or neutral. You are correct to point out the diplomatic problems this revelation produces and there is the huge problem of spies that we don't know who they are. These are huge issues indeed, however, I think it is better that this come out, so hopefully the American people will finally realize what is going on here. Unfortunately the MSM will probably try sweep this one under the rug. Russia and their terrorist allies could not get more favorable coverage from the American MSM and the world press if they paid them. It will be up to the blogosphere to shine a spotlight on the double dealings of the Russians.

Btw, Bush once said he looked deep into Putin's soul and decided he was a man he could trust. At the time Bush made this statement, I thought it was an asinine and stupid comment to make. I hope and pray Bush a.)knew better when he made this statement and was engaging in diplomatic niceities. Perhaps he did not want to reveal to Putin that we are on to him or b.)He meant what he said and has since learned from his mistake and will not repeat it. If Bush still thinks Putin is a man he can trust, there is not much hope for this country or the free world.

Perhaps there is hope. I wanted these documents released all along because I knew they would probably vindicate Bush. What has been released has largely vindicated the president of the charge that he "lied." For the Democrats to be in any way viable as a political party, they will need to abandon the "Bush lied" diatribes and begin to work with the Republicans on finding ways for us to win in Iraq and elsewhere. He and his administration had to be aware they were being viciously attacked by the media. They had to have known these documents would vindicate them. Yet they didn't want them released. Perhaps someone was more concerned about completing an investigation into espionage than they were with vindicating themselves in the media. Hopefully this means someone still places national security over partisian politics.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 25.03.2006 @ 17:33


Meteor Blades

Your're right to many people on the so called "right" do tend to assume that all of those on the so called "left" are cut from the same cloth. Personally I don't like labels much. Also, many on the so called "left" assume that many on the so called "right" are cut from the same cloth. In my previous post, what I meant by the left was a certain group within the main stream media and American politicians who hate America and will do anything they can to bring it down even if it means distorting the truth. I still believe Al Gore with this speech has given the Jihadists something far more valuable than anything Bush or so called "Neo Conservatives" have ever given them. It seems to me Al Gore and his fellow travelers keep doing this. By this speech and others I can only conclude one or more of the following must be true: 1.) He fully knows what he is doing and he hates America, as it is, with a passion and wishes to bring about a socialist system and, since the Jihadists also hate America, they make naturaul allies. 2.)He turly does not believe the Jihadists are a threat. Perhaps he thinks we can simply have a chat and iron out our differences. If this is what he thinks then he is not going to find Bush's policies very palatable. If this is what he thinks, I don't think he can be trusted with any more power than he already has and the power he does have needs to be taken from him. The Islamic Extremists Jihadists are a very powerful and lethal enemy who is bent on world domination. Not only this, but they are fully capable of defeating the United States. Underestimating an enemy is very dangerous business and can be fatal. Perhaps Bush is not the person to lead the USA during this crisis, however, any future leader needs to establish that they have a basic grasp of what we are dealing with. By this speech, Mr. Gore indicates to me he has no such concept. 3.) Al Gore, like many of his fellow travelers, is so overcome by Bush hatred that he is simply not thinking clearly. My personal opinion is that # 3 most likely explains the behavior we are seeing from Al Gore.

You and many in the main stream news media are quite correct to raise concerns about the kid glove treatment being given to the Saudis by the Bush administration. Now that main stream media darling Al Gore has been more generous to the Saudis than the Bush administration has ever been will the main stream media raise the same concern about the actions of Mr. Gore that they have raised about the actions of the Bush administration. I think some will but I doubt that it will be as wide spread as criticism of the administration.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 13.02.2006 @ 20:20

Meteor Blaster

I agree with you I'm all for busting Saudi chops. The fact that Al Gore gave a speech in Saudi Arabia and President Bush invited high level Saudis to his ranch for planning purposes or gave them lavish foreign aid illustrates the complexity of dealing with Saudi Arabia. By going to Saudi Arabia and delivering a speech laced with anti American diatribes he has given the America hating Islamic Extremists something far more valuable than anything the Bush administration has given them. Such anti-American diatribes are likley to do much to recruit Jihadists. Propaganda counts for allot in war. In fact, if we were to take Nazi proganda and strike out the word "Jew" and replace it with "Neo-Conservative" or "Evangelical Christian" Nazi Germany propaganda looks very simillar to the propaganda coming from the main stream western news media.

If the Democrats and a few Republicans would stop blocking proposals to drill for oil in ANWR and other places within the US we could increase our supply of oil which might possibly help us to get some leverage when dealing with the Saudis.

The Left often criticizes the Bush adminstration for its kid glove treatment of Saudi Arabia. They are generally correct to do so. Now will they criticize Al Gore for his blatant attempt to kiss up to high ranking Saudis. Somehow I doubt it. In other words, the hyprocissy of the left will continue.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 13.02.2006 @ 15:44

We often ask the question "Why do they hate us?" or some paraphrase to that question. The actions of Al Gore and his fellow leftist travelers explain this perfectly.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 13.02.2006 @ 11:28



Thanks for the analysis of why we need a cheap reliable source of oil. I have had much the same thoughts for some time but have been unable to express them as articulately as you have. Our enemies can and do use oil as a weapon against us to manipulate American foreign policies in ways that serve only their interests. If the United States used food as a weapon against North Korea or any other country the Left would scream bloody murder. When the a trade agreement with a foreign third world nation contains anything that might be somewhat favorable to America, the left screams that we are "exploiting" them.

If the left were consistent they would condemn the use of oil as a weapon against the US and Western Europe, as well as the use of economic sanctions by the US and the West against those who would destroy us. The fact that the Left is always quick to criticize the US but is virtually silent when amoral acts are committed against the US by its enemies reveals the hyprocissy of the left and is just one of many reasons why they cannot be trusted. We should work to curtail the power they currently have and to prevent them from gaining more power.

The fact that the left is always quick to mercilessly condemn the US for any atrocities it commits while trying to preserve its continued existence and is virtually silent regarding the atrocities committed by America's enemies reveals that they think American lives are worth less than the lives of the citizens of other countries.

Btw, the left is always complaining about how the price of oil is too high but they fight against attempts to tap into our own domestic oil supplies. Again, to the left American lives are worth less than the lives of citizens of other countries.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 31.01.2006 @ 17:18

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