Comments Posted By Aydrian
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This is unbelievable to me. I played this song to a few friends, and I asked them to state one word to describe it. The first thing they all said was, "Wow, this is racist." We tried so hard to pick it apart and try to find the "satire" in it, but failed to do so, since there is none. For you to say it's political satire is stupid.

Rick, racism is alive and very apparent. I assure you that if you open your eyes, and seek to find the actions you say are not racist, and see the effects it has on the target, you will realize the harm and hate behind the action. Whether it be quotas in jobs or schools, or words or songs.

I have seen it a number of times, having grown up in the conservative bible belt south. I have witnessed supervisors pull a bible out and try to bash an employee in to thinking his being gay was a sin and he was going to hell. How did this affect his job? How did this affect anyone but the young man struggling to define who he was? Instead, because the law allows it, the employee had to endure the attack and hate thrown at him, or lose his job.

I have seen black families turned away from churches because people still believe they should be enslaved and are second class citizens. I have personally experienced being taunted in school for befriending a black student. Not by fellow students, but by their parents.

Children don't see nonsense about color or gender or sexuality. Children see people for who they are. Racism, homophobia, fears and hate are taught as we grow up. They are taught and justified by the spreading of jokes and songs like this one that you're attempting to defend.

If you want to end the need for quotas and special services for minorities, then you can help us gain that end by teaching tolerance, love, and equality to your children and readers. Hate speech, like this, is not free speech and shouldn't be praised as such. Be adults and stand up for what is right and start fighting for the inclusion of all people into our society.

I'm appalled by these actions. The republican party has pretty much killed their chances of ever regaining their party. They might as well pack up and disband because it's over. On commenter said this wouldn't be remembered by the next election. I can promise you it will. I myself will make it a point to mention it to every open-minded person I know that is not filled with hate as the republican party is.

I'm sure all of you love your family and friends and neighbors, but how often has the party reached out to someone different from them(and by them I mean rich, white males). Racism does equal hate for a fellow human being. You can disagree all you want, and try your best to prove me wrong, but in the end racism=hate. There is no other way around it.

Another commenter, David(comment 7), said the democratic party panders to gays, racial minorities and environmentalists. Well, they're not pandering to anyone, they're accepting everyone as equal. Something this world greatly lacks.

There is a huge lack of equality and empathy for fellow humans. This is what Obama ran on, and this is what he won on. Hopefully some day you'll come to your senses and realize that "We are all created equal" as stated in our constitution, and therefore all deserve the same rights to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

The racism and homophobia from the right is outdated and down right disgusting. Instead of finding things to divide us, why don't you start searching for a way to unite the world in love and equality. Maybe then you'll be able to come back as a powerful force. As it stands though, it doesn't look like that'll be happening in the next decade.

Comment Posted By Aydrian On 27.12.2008 @ 21:20

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