Comments Posted By Allahpunditredux
Displaying 21 To 26 Of 26 Comments


For those who continue to draw parallels with Reagan I'd recommend the following article by Reagan's daughter:

Comment Posted By Allahpunditredux On 31.12.2007 @ 07:14

I get quite a kick out of the Thompson fans who insist that others accept Fred's redefinition of how campaigns should be conducted.
To me the person being elected president should be able to show that he or she can operate in our political environment and articulate a message that doesn't need to be explained by handlers.

Comment Posted By Allahpunditredux On 31.12.2007 @ 07:13


Good post and you are correct. Foxnews already began the speculation on whether it is terrorist related. Another site is speculating about how many illegals were involved.


Comment Posted By Allahpunditredux On 27.10.2007 @ 02:03


Jeff Zeller:
That sounds really funny coming from someone who only speaks in talking points copied from O'reilly, Malkin or Hannity.

Comment Posted By Allahpunditredux On 10.09.2007 @ 22:14

Today, the Right is dominated by voracious idealogues who incessantly spout their religious orthodoxy and demand strict obeyance to all its tenets. They truly consider everyone who does not share their firm and unalterable beliefs to be unpatriotic. Instead, anyone outside of the Sacred Conservative Base Think is considered to be a traitor, with nothing worthy of consideration and no rights. Like radical Islam it seeks to convert through fear of being overrun by Hispanics and having Sharia law replace the constitution. As it pushes away each new segment of society from blacks to Hispanics to Democrats who wear the uniform, the Right is quickly becoming a cult instead of the once proud GOP which allowed differences of opinion among its rank and file.

Comment Posted By Allahpunditredux On 9.09.2007 @ 09:16

Your sister may very well have those qualities you mentioned but Malkin certainly doesn't. To her if someone disagrees with her that means they are haters, leftards, traitors, dhimmicrats, defeatocrats, etc.

Her remarks about the Medal of Honor recipients that had their decoration upgraded after several decades being "naked politicization" simply because Clinton happened to be the person who presented them were totally outrageous. She said this was the justification for her book "In Defense of Internment", which she later had to retract some of the central premises about the cables.
So far this year she has fought with Coulter, Drudge and now Geraldo. Her Hotair commenters continously write vile things about Geraldo and constantly snipe at Oreilly, even referring to the "Malkin Factor". Her motives should be painfully obvious.
You can be sure that if your brother Terry, no right wing ideologue, took an objective look at her and reported even remotely negative things, he would feel the full brunt of the Malkinites.

If you want to see a website that has tracked her many half truths and behavior try

Comment Posted By Allahpunditredux On 7.09.2007 @ 23:44

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