Comments Posted By AlexinCT
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I see many people that advocate showing restraint if Obama wins and playing nice with the democrats and must ask: how well has that worked out so far for our cause? The fact is that bipartisanship means different things to them and us. We might look at it as reaching a compromise and engaging the other side, but democrats view it as republicans in power doing what democrats want. They play to win. They will do anything to advance their cause. For them the end justifies the means. And to top it off they have the media in the bag.

If Obama wins I expect them to try and shut down any and all voices of opposition. Obama's people have already proven that they do not believe in freedom of speech unless it is speech they like and approve off. And the people that are supposed to inform us of this stuff will go right along with it because it suits them just fine. The left has tax exempt organizations registering thousands of false voters in the battleground states and the media is ignoring it. And Obama is getting a huge amount of donations from anti-American foreigners that see him as the best chance for them to stick it to America and that is not told to the American people either. Compare that to the lies about Bush stealing elections and how much coverage that crap got despite it all being false and you can see what we are facing. When republicans get accused of doing wrong they get hounded. When democrats have been proven to have committed crimes, they get stature and gravitas. These people believe in and champion an agenda that will destroy this great nation. I am not going to let that happen.

I do not intend to be suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome, but I certainly will not be playing nice with these people. We are fools to believe that if we show them respect and treat them as we would like to be treated they will reciprocate. That will never happen. They will stab us in the back the first chance we give them, and do so again for every other opportunity that comes along. The reason their guy is looking like he might win is because we followed the advice of those people that told us if we play nice they will do so too, only to have them use scorched earth tactics, no matter the damage to America and Americans in the process, to bag the big price. As someone else already mentioned: ask yourselves how the left will react and treat McCain should he win..

Comment Posted By AlexinCT On 14.10.2008 @ 10:09

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