Comments Posted By AYFS
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I disagree with you. Yes, there are some who have gone over the edge, but that is true of any event. However, your statement of "But above all of that, I believe in victory" shows, to me, a seriously flawed mindset concerning the GOP.

The GOP does not exist to get whoever happens to look good elected. It exists to support and promote those who will push the core values of the GOP. These values, such as smaller government, etc, are not represented by RINOs and the like. To give up those values for the sake of winning is inane. Why not just ask Obama to put an "R" next to his name? Then we could tell everyone we won the White House. I suppose we would support Obamacare and the government takeover of the nation at that point, simply because to do otherwise would hurt the GOP's "victory".

No, my friend. You place victory above all else. I do not. Victory at the cost of giving up the values I hold dear is no victory. It is capitulation and it is why the GOP is in the shape it is in now.

So, using your statement as the basis for mine: But above all of that, I believe in my values.

These values, such as smaller government, etc, are not represented by RINOs and the like.

False. Just one of the many falsehoods advanced by people who don't do nuance or degree. It's either your idea of what "smaller government" means or the highway - a ridiculous notion. Some may define "smaller" government much differently than you. But that would make them a "RINO" and worthy of being kicked out of the party.

And I actually laughed out loud at your notion that the "It exists to support and promote those who will push the core values of the GOP." What planet are you from? Politics is about the application of power - no more, no less. Your pie in the sky, idealized version of what a political party is might be comforting, but it doesn't do anything to defeat Obama and the Democrats. In fact, it guarantees their continued ascension.

Politics is an either/or proposition; you are either in the majority or the minority. You obviously think it more noble and uplifting to be in the minority - while the country goes to hell.

Maintaining a rough adherence to principle is desirable in a political party. And certainly there are some bridges that cannot be crossed when it comes to issues. But unless you are willing to put defeating the opposition as your paramount goal, I ask again; why not just vote for the Democrat? The result is exactly the same.


Comment Posted By AYFS On 2.11.2009 @ 12:30

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